[fedora-arm] BeagleBone Black status on Rawhide-20170120
Zamir SUN
2017-02-23 13:53:05 UTC

So recently I tried armhfp of Rawhide-20170120.
Things did not go smooth. First I tried Workstation, but GNOME did not
show up. I thought it is simply because BeagleBone Black is not strong
enough so I tried LXDE instead. However still no lucky after a long wait
(more than 20 minutes).

During the LXDE image boot, I find a lot of
"alloc_contig_range: [94bfc, 94c00) PFNs busy"

I just updated uboot, so it should not be things related with uboot.
Is this a known bug? If needed I can file a bug to track this.

I uploaded part my boot log (on serial console) here
Ziqian SUN (Zamir)
GPG : 1D86 6D4A 49CE 4BBD 72CF FCF5 D856 6E11 F2A0 525E
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Peter Robinson
2017-02-23 22:44:41 UTC
Post by Zamir SUN
So recently I tried armhfp of Rawhide-20170120.
Things did not go smooth. First I tried Workstation, but GNOME did not show
up. I thought it is simply because BeagleBone Black is not strong enough so
I tried LXDE instead. However still no lucky after a long wait (more than 20
During the LXDE image boot, I find a lot of
"alloc_contig_range: [94bfc, 94c00) PFNs busy"
I just updated uboot, so it should not be things related with uboot.
Is this a known bug? If needed I can file a bug to track this.
The Jan 20 image is now quite old. There's a few known issues with the
latest images but I'd test on a later ones to begin with.
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Zamir Sun
2017-02-24 00:40:23 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Zamir SUN
So recently I tried armhfp of Rawhide-20170120.
Things did not go smooth. First I tried Workstation, but GNOME did not show
up. I thought it is simply because BeagleBone Black is not strong enough so
I tried LXDE instead. However still no lucky after a long wait (more than 20
During the LXDE image boot, I find a lot of
"alloc_contig_range: [94bfc, 94c00) PFNs busy"
I just updated uboot, so it should not be things related with uboot.
Is this a known bug? If needed I can file a bug to track this.
The Jan 20 image is now quite old. There's a few known issues with the
latest images but I'd test on a later ones to begin with.
Ah thanks Peter.
The time I download the image there is only 20170120 available (IIRC
it is this Monday). I am downloading 20170223 compose now and will
have a try again after work.

Zamir SUN
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