[fedora-arm] F24 Beta Release Notes (coming next week)
Justin W. Flory
2016-04-26 23:43:23 UTC
Hello all,

Before going further, please note this is a cross-posted thread! There
is a low-traffic mailing list, ***@lists.fedoraproject.org, which
was created for multi-list collaboration on things like this topic. To
centralize discussion, please consider using that list for replies (even
if you unsubscribe after the discussion finishes).

Anyways, assuming all goes according to plan, the F24 Beta is due to
land on May 3rd, or in seven days from today. Therefore, it's time to
review and look over the release notes for the F24 Beta. The current
draft can be found on the wiki.


As of now, it is a forked version of the Alpha release announcement with
a few changes based on information I gathered from #fedora-qa. If you
could take some time to review the release notes and ensure everything
is *current* and correct since the Alpha release for areas you are
familiar and knowledgeable with, that would be appreciated so we can aim
to ship this next week.

Thanks all!
Justin W. Flory