[fedora-arm] [GSoC] migrating Plinth to Fedora Server
2017-03-23 21:37:19 UTC

I'm Thomas Ingram, a second year CS student hoping to get into GSoC
this year, and really hoping to work with Fedora! I'm a longtime Fedora
and GNU/Linux user and have always wanted to contribute.

I am interested in helping migrate Plinth to Fedora server. I've been
following the FreedomBox project for a while. I think it's a great way
to provide a self hosted free software alternative to many web

Experience wise I have a good understanding of dnf, Python, and Git. I
have a small amount of experience with Django, and a basic
understanding of rpm and deb packaging. I also have a Raspberry Pi 2
and would be willing to get other arm devices for testing if needed.
I'm very excited about the prospect of working with Fedora and free
software and would be happy to take extra time to learn in the area's I
am lacking.

So far I have made FAS account, wondering what groups I should apply to
join in order to get started on my wiki pages? Any other feedback would
be appreciate as well.


Thomas Ingram
Computer Science Major
Michigan Technological University

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Peter Robinson
2017-03-24 18:16:07 UTC
Post by t***@mtu.edu
I'm Thomas Ingram, a second year CS student hoping to get into GSoC
this year, and really hoping to work with Fedora! I'm a longtime Fedora
and GNU/Linux user and have always wanted to contribute.
I am interested in helping migrate Plinth to Fedora server. I've been
following the FreedomBox project for a while. I think it's a great way
to provide a self hosted free software alternative to many web
It would be useful to provide links to these projects so that those of
us who have no idea what they are can easily look for further details.

What is required to "migrate Plinth to Fedora" is it just a case of
packaging it up or is there coding required? Why is this ARM specific
and not a generic Fedora project?
Post by t***@mtu.edu
Experience wise I have a good understanding of dnf, Python, and Git. I
have a small amount of experience with Django, and a basic
understanding of rpm and deb packaging. I also have a Raspberry Pi 2
and would be willing to get other arm devices for testing if needed.
I'm very excited about the prospect of working with Fedora and free
software and would be happy to take extra time to learn in the area's I
am lacking.
So far I have made FAS account, wondering what groups I should apply to
join in order to get started on my wiki pages? Any other feedback would
be appreciate as well.
Having had nothing to do with GSoC in the past I'm unsure what the
process is regarding that and contributions. Again some links and
explicit details for what you're looking for from the arm list would
be useful here.

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