[fedora-arm] how to make a working f28 sd card for odroid-hc2 ?
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-14 14:24:07 UTC

for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.

the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.

all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work

here is my step by step instructions so far that's not quite working:
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)

1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch

2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"

(sdf in this case is my sd card)

3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd

4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing

chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .

./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf

ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.

last few lines on serial console is something like:
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.

to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
computer and remove the following two files:
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service

this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.

this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.

things on my wish list for this board:

easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work

uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Peter Robinson
2018-10-14 16:03:35 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
seeing how you get on. You can get the latest nightly here:

Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-14 20:20:23 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it gets
picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and xu4 dtb
file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck at
about the same place.
so no luck :-(

haven't tried yet to skip initial setup by removing:
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
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Robert Moskowitz
2018-10-14 20:53:39 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it
gets picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and
xu4 dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets
stuck at about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial
console or text display.

If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see
if that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
           Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
           Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-14 22:05:38 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it gets
picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and xu4
dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck at
about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial console or
text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see if
that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image all
the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.

this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after 10-15
minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/arc
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-15 12:33:55 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it gets
picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and xu4
dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck at
about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial console
or text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see if
that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image all
the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.
this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after 10-15
minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
Turns out it does boot eventually.
BUT the boot or HORRIBLY slow, it takes a full hour to complete the boot and
the initial setup is nowhere to be found (this time using fresh install of sd card)

sssd fails during boot:
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.

and then trying to logon with root doesn't work (--norootpass was specified
during creation of sd card)
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproj
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-11-17 15:52:20 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it gets
picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and xu4
dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck at
about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial console
or text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see if
that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image
all the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.
this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after
10-15 minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
Turns out it does boot eventually.
BUT the boot or HORRIBLY slow, it takes a full hour to complete the boot and
the initial setup is nowhere to be found (this time using fresh install of sd card)
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.
and then trying to logon with root doesn't work (--norootpass was specified
during creation of sd card)
i have retested this with fedora 29
with host, image and all other packages as fedora 29 and using my initially
posted instructions it works much better.

to my surprise it booted without the 50 minute delay and i also got the first
time setup on serial console.
i was able to for the first time set a root password properly and get in.

also all cores was active so it is now looking really promising.

what did not work was:
ledtrig-heartbeat did not load even when rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat was
specified on kernel boot command line.
so no heartbeat led was on.
a simple modprobe ledtrig-heartbeat fixed it and led immediately started
blinking as expected.
i'm guessing dtb sets led up for heatbeat but module is not loaded at boot so
doesnt work.

resizing of rootfs did not work even when --resizefs was specified on command
line to fedora-arm-image-installer
i had to fix it myself once i got in (fdisk /dev/mmcblk0p3 and then resize2fs).
ran out of space initially when updating packages

and of course it would have been really nice with a hc2 dtb file so i don't
have to manually link exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb to exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb

and related to above also would be good if uboot could detect the hc2 properly
instead of unknown.

maybe it is time to write some kind of installation instruction for all this.
because how to get all the bits and pieces working is not obvious for someone
trying fedora on the odroid hc2 for the first time.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/***@lists.fedoraprojec
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-12-01 15:41:53 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it
gets picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and xu4
dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck at
about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial console
or text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see if
that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image
all the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.
this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after
10-15 minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
Turns out it does boot eventually.
BUT the boot or HORRIBLY slow, it takes a full hour to complete the boot and
the initial setup is nowhere to be found (this time using fresh install of sd card)
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.
and then trying to logon with root doesn't work (--norootpass was specified
during creation of sd card)
i have retested this with fedora 29
with host, image and all other packages as fedora 29 and using my initially
posted instructions it works much better.
to my surprise it booted without the 50 minute delay and i also got the first
time setup on serial console.
i was able to for the first time set a root password properly and get in.
also all cores was active so it is now looking really promising.
turns out this is not repeatable and i'm not sure why it worked and why i can't
make it work again with fresh image.

so i'm back to the 50 minute boot delay, no initial text based setup and broken
root account.

back to the drawing board and debugging.
but i'm not exactly sure where to begin, only theory i have is that maybe
ubuntu image i was running earlier somehow did something to make my first boot
with fedora 29 image also work.

once the image is in a working state everything is just fine.
so my suspicions still go to initial text based setup.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-12-02 13:54:46 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Robert Moskowitz
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and
if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes
at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it
gets picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and
xu4 dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck
at about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial
console or text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see
if that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image
all the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.
this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after
10-15 minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
Turns out it does boot eventually.
BUT the boot or HORRIBLY slow, it takes a full hour to complete the boot and
the initial setup is nowhere to be found (this time using fresh install of sd card)
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.
and then trying to logon with root doesn't work (--norootpass was specified
during creation of sd card)
i have retested this with fedora 29
with host, image and all other packages as fedora 29 and using my initially
posted instructions it works much better.
to my surprise it booted without the 50 minute delay and i also got the first
time setup on serial console.
i was able to for the first time set a root password properly and get in.
also all cores was active so it is now looking really promising.
turns out this is not repeatable and i'm not sure why it worked and why i can't
make it work again with fresh image.
so i'm back to the 50 minute boot delay, no initial text based setup and broken
root account.
back to the drawing board and debugging.
but i'm not exactly sure where to begin, only theory i have is that maybe
ubuntu image i was running earlier somehow did something to make my first boot
with fedora 29 image also work.
once the image is in a working state everything is just fine.
so my suspicions still go to initial text based setup.
changed boot options so journald outputs its log to serial console.
when it is stuck the below section keeps repeating at even intervals over and over.
any experts out there that know why the services keep failing?

[ 1293.050223] systemd[1]: Failed to get initial list of names: Connection
timed out
[ 1293.059841] systemd[1]: dbus.service: Main process exited, code=exited,
[ 1293.072092] systemd[1]: dbus.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
[ 1293.082140] systemd[1]: sshd.service: Service RestartSec=42s expired,
scheduling restart.
[ 1293.092808] systemd[1]: sshd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter
is at 5.
[ 1293.106343] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Start operation timed out.
[ 1293.123132] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "systemd-resolve"
in message bus configuration file
[ 1293.139994] systemd[1]: NetworkManager.service: Service RestartSec=100ms
expired, scheduling restart.
[ 1293.152811] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "systemd-timesync"
in message bus configuration file
[ 1293.166311] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "systemd-network"
in message bus configuration file
[ 1293.179637] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "polkitd" in
message bus configuration file
[ 1293.191577] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "polkitd" in
message bus configuration file
[ 1293.206002] dbus-daemon[820]: Failed to start message bus: Could not get UID
and GID for username "dbus"
[ 1293.221191] systemd[1]: NetworkManager.service: Scheduled restart job,
restart counter is at 4.
[ 1293.235797] systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.
[ 1293.244930] systemd[1]: Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
[ 1293.254343] systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager...
[ 1293.262796] systemd[1]: Stopped OpenSSH server daemon.
[ 1293.272751] systemd[1]: Stopped target sshd-keygen.target.
[ 1293.281229] systemd[1]: Stopping sshd-keygen.target.
[ 1293.288891] systemd[1]: Reached target sshd-keygen.target.
[ 1293.297969] systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon...
[ 1293.307232] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
[ 1293.317644] systemd[1]: Failed to start Login Service.
[ 1293.326278] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Service has no hold-off time
(RestartSec=0), scheduling restart.
[ 1293.340292] systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Scheduled restart job,
restart counter is at 11.
[ 1293.353654] systemd[1]: Stopped Login Service.
[ 1293.361281] systemd[1]: Starting Login Service...
[ 1293.371696] NetworkManager[821]: <info> [1529667196.1274] NetworkManager
(version 1.12.4-1.fc29) is starting... (after a restart)
[ 1293.386568] NetworkManager[821]: <info> [1529667196.1283] Read config:
[ 1293.405375] systemd-logind[823]: New seat seat0.

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/***@lists.fedor
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-12-02 20:50:44 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Robert Moskowitz
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
We're in final freeze for Fedora 29 so I would suggest trying that and
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related
packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and
if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes
at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
I would install the f29 uboot-images-armv7 version here as we've moved
to 2018.09
done and i have copied over the u-boot file from it to sd_fusing so it
gets picked up and copied to sd card.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
I don't believe you need
"rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd" bit for F-29 but I
don't have a device to test.
ok, also done for testing purposes
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
F-29 has exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb so that might be a closer fit.
that file also existed on f28 and when i used f28 i tried both hc1 and
xu4 dtb file but no difference.
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely
on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i
get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is
Try F-29, that's where all the focus is now.
with above changes boot looks a little better but boot still gets stuck
at about the same place.
so no luck :-(
try minimal image first.  It does all the setup in text on a serial
console or text display.
If you get minimal working, you can install your graphical group and see
if that works.  Then go back to install the graphical image.
odroid hc2 have no graphics at all and i have been using the minimal image
all the time during my testing.
it is the initial text based setup that gets screwed up and stuck.
this is why i tried removing the two symlinks starting it but then after
10-15 minutes and a few failed services i cant logon as root.
Turns out it does boot eventually.
BUT the boot or HORRIBLY slow, it takes a full hour to complete the boot
and the initial setup is nowhere to be found (this time using fresh install
of sd card)
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.
and then trying to logon with root doesn't work (--norootpass was specified
during creation of sd card)
i have retested this with fedora 29
with host, image and all other packages as fedora 29 and using my initially
posted instructions it works much better.
to my surprise it booted without the 50 minute delay and i also got the
first time setup on serial console.
i was able to for the first time set a root password properly and get in.
also all cores was active so it is now looking really promising.
turns out this is not repeatable and i'm not sure why it worked and why i
can't make it work again with fresh image.
so i'm back to the 50 minute boot delay, no initial text based setup and
broken root account.
back to the drawing board and debugging.
but i'm not exactly sure where to begin, only theory i have is that maybe
ubuntu image i was running earlier somehow did something to make my first
boot with fedora 29 image also work.
once the image is in a working state everything is just fine.
so my suspicions still go to initial text based setup.
changed boot options so journald outputs its log to serial console.
when it is stuck the below section keeps repeating at even intervals over and over.
any experts out there that know why the services keep failing?
[ 1293.152811] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "systemd-timesync"
<snip, several lines related to unknown username>
i think i have found the cause of my boot problems and also one or two bugs in

first one that is not so critical but still different compared to how fedora28
version of fedora-arm-image-installer worked and is related to --resizefs
in fedora28 this did the right thing, in fedora29 it doesn't work.
it appears to do something but my guess is that it tries to resize wrong
partition or similar.
end result is no resizing of root partition.

second one is the important one.
specifying --norootpass results in an image totally broken with a lot of
services errors with "Unknown username" (if you turn on systemd journal logging
to serial console) and then boot is stuck in an endless loop.
i'm guessing fedora-arm-image-installer incorrectly modifies some files

with above two changes i have now successfully 4 sd cards for my 4 odroid hc2
that all boot properly on first try with no long boot delay.
so i think i can say it is repeatable.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/***@lists.fedo
Peter Robinson
2018-12-03 07:51:52 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
[ 1293.152811] dbus-daemon[820]: dbus[820]: Unknown username "systemd-timesync"
<snip, several lines related to unknown username>
i think i have found the cause of my boot problems and also one or two bugs in
first one that is not so critical but still different compared to how fedora28
version of fedora-arm-image-installer worked and is related to --resizefs
in fedora28 this did the right thing, in fedora29 it doesn't work.
it appears to do something but my guess is that it tries to resize wrong
partition or similar.
end result is no resizing of root partition.
second one is the important one.
specifying --norootpass results in an image totally broken with a lot of
services errors with "Unknown username" (if you turn on systemd journal logging
to serial console) and then boot is stuck in an endless loop.
i'm guessing fedora-arm-image-installer incorrectly modifies some files
with above two changes i have now successfully 4 sd cards for my 4 odroid hc2
that all boot properly on first try with no long boot delay.
so i think i can say it is repeatable.
And from your bug report, which you don't reference here, you're using
2.5 and I believe this has now all been fixed in a now stable 2.8

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Dennis Gilmore
2018-10-15 05:25:52 UTC
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10
minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
given the hardware you will not want a console on tty1 and being first
it is likely where initial-setup is being run

Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html
Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-15 08:45:13 UTC
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-
cpuidle.off=1 no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
given the hardware you will not want a console on tty1 and being first
it is likely where initial-setup is being run
thanks, i was a bit unsure about that part of the console command.
i changed it and retested with f28 using hc1 dtb file and it still gets stuck
at same place on first boot.

if i wait long enough first service to fail is:
[FAILED] Failed to start System Security Services Daemon.
See 'systemctl status sssd.service' for details.

and the times i have disabled initial setup at boot and wait even longer then
a few more services fail after several minutes like networkmanager and login
something (forgot exact names)

and since i can't get in i cant see what it is failing on to continue my
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by Torbjorn Jansson
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x sd_fusing.sh
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
rm /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/initial-setup.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/initial-setup.service
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
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