Torbjorn Jansson
2018-10-14 14:24:07 UTC
for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
here is my step by step instructions so far that's not quite working:
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./ /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
last few lines on serial console is something like:
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
computer and remove the following two files:
rm /etc/systemd/system/
rm /etc/systemd/system/
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
things on my wish list for this board:
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
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for a while now i have been struggling to create a set of steps to make a
successfully bootable fedora 28 image for my odroid hc2 computers.
the reason for this is several, but main one is to have all gluster related
packaged available like the samba vfs modules and iscsi related packages for
gluster that is missing from the ubuntu images.
plus i prefer fedora.
all i get is a sd card that boots but then hangs on initial setup and if i try
to work around that by disabling it then boot takes maybe 5-10 minutes at least
with failing services (probably those that depend on network) and when i
finally get to a login prompt root doesn't work
here is my step by step instructions so far that's not quite working:
(this is done from a fedora 28 host)
1: first install needed packages
dnf install arm-image-installer-2.5-1.fc28.noarch
dnf install uboot-images-armv7-2018.03-6.fc28.noarch
2: get image and install it to sd card
fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none
--image=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-28-1.1-sda.raw.xz --resizefs --norootpass
--media=/dev/sdf --args "rd.driver.pre=ledtrig-heartbeat,xhci-plat-hcd no_bL_switcher console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8"
(sdf in this case is my sd card)
3: fix the missing dtb file
mkdir /tmp/sd
mount -t auto /dev/sdf2 /tmp/sd
cd /tmp/sd/dtb
ln -s exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb exynos5422-odroidunknown.dtb
umount /tmp/sd
4: make it boot by running sd_fusing
mkdir sd_fusing; cd sd_fusing
chmod a+x
cp /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.bin .
./ /dev/sdf
ok so now comes the problems
at this stage i have a bootable image but it gets stuck, most likely on initial
setup that never shows up.
the thing is, it is not locked up because if i plug in an usb device i get a
few lines on the serial console so kernel is still working but boot is stuck.
last few lines on serial console is something like:
Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Starting Initial Setup configuration program...
then some stuff related to usb & my disk
then on first boot a few lines related to OpenSSH key generation
rebooting hangs at same place with exception of SSH keys.
to get a bit further i can mount the root filesystem manually on my other
computer and remove the following two files:
rm /etc/systemd/system/
rm /etc/systemd/system/
this gets rid of the initial setup but then i get a whole bunch of services
failing and boot being really really slow, it takes probably 10-15 minutes for
everything to time out and get to the logon prompt.
when i get it root doesn't work.
this is where i kind of gave up.
i know i somehow managed to get a bootable image several months ago, but i'm
not sure if i then had to manually set root password by editing passwd or
shadow before trying to boot.
things on my wish list for this board:
easier installation and updated packages that work.
for example arm-image-installer with a board definition for odroid.
may be usefull even if we have to run sd_fusing manualy after anyway, possibly
with a text saying so.
this also would help to make --addconsole work
uboot that recognized hc2 so it loads the right file
dtb file for hc2, one that works and is appropriate.
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