[fedora-arm] Beaglebone Black
Robert Moskowitz
2015-12-29 02:21:07 UTC
I am trying to help out someone that has a BBB. I am looking at:


and the files referred to at:


do not exist.

What is the current status for BBB and F23?

thank you.

And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I don't see it in the
board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in the F23 image.

thank you
Robert Moskowitz
2015-12-29 02:26:23 UTC
I did some more digging and MAY have my answer in:


I see the script for am335x_boneblack

If that is what the current method is, perhaps the wiki can be updated?
Post by Robert Moskowitz
do not exist.
What is the current status for BBB and F23?
thank you.
And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I don't see it in
the board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in the F23 image.
thank you
arm mailing list
Zamir SUN
2015-12-29 12:15:45 UTC
Oh, forget to involve the list. So resend this in case someone else needed.
1. BBB can boot up to system[1]. And the current problem is display
(see bug1123618)[2]. If you do not use display (such as use the
minimal image)it should be totally fine.
2. $ sudo fedora-arm-image-installer
Usage: fedora-arm-image-installer <options>
--image=IMAGE - xz compressed image file name
--target=TARGET - target board
--media=DEVICE - media device file (/dev/[sdX|mmcblkX])
--selinux=ON/OFF - Turn SELinux off/on as needed
--norootpass - Remove the root password
-y - Assumes yes, will not wait for confirmation
--version - Display version and exit
--resizefs - Resize root filesystem to fill media device
Example: fedora-arm-image-installer --image=Fedora-Rawhide.xz
--target=panda --media=/dev/mmcblk0 --selinux=OFF
Error: not found! Please choose an existing device.
So the image can be installed by the script.
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223618
Post by Robert Moskowitz
I see the script for am335x_boneblack
If that is what the current method is, perhaps the wiki can be updated?
Post by Robert Moskowitz
do not exist.
What is the current status for BBB and F23?
thank you.
And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I don't see it in
the board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in the F23 image.
thank you
Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net
tong hui
2015-12-29 15:14:22 UTC
Awesome !! zsun, thank you very much !

Finally the BBB could running fedora latest release version.
Post by Zamir SUN
Oh, forget to involve the list. So resend this in case someone else needed.
1. BBB can boot up to system[1]. And the current problem is display
(see bug1123618)[2]. If you do not use display (such as use the
minimal image)it should be totally fine.
2. $ sudo fedora-arm-image-installer
Usage: fedora-arm-image-installer <options>
--image=IMAGE - xz compressed image file name
--target=TARGET - target board
--media=DEVICE - media device file (/dev/[sdX|mmcblkX])
--selinux=ON/OFF - Turn SELinux off/on as needed
--norootpass - Remove the root password
-y - Assumes yes, will not wait for confirmation
--version - Display version and exit
--resizefs - Resize root filesystem to fill media device
Example: fedora-arm-image-installer --image=Fedora-Rawhide.xz
--target=panda --media=/dev/mmcblk0 --selinux=OFF
Error: not found! Please choose an existing device.
So the image can be installed by the script.
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223618
Post by Robert Moskowitz
I see the script for am335x_boneblack
If that is what the current method is, perhaps the wiki can be updated?
Post by Robert Moskowitz
do not exist.
What is the current status for BBB and F23?
thank you.
And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I don't see it in
the board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in the F23 image.
thank you
Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net
arm mailing list
* @ 启智匀源 猖码自由
* @ Open Mind, Open Source, Coding for Freedom!
* @ 䜟蟉 Tong Hui (Tony)
* @ Email ***@gmail.com
* @ Web https://tonghuix.io
* @ XMPP/Jabber tonghuix@ <***@jabber.gnome.org>xmpp.jp
Zamir SUN
2015-12-31 08:31:34 UTC
@tonghuix nope.
It is just better than the time we start testing it. The better thing is
that I have tested VNC (while we are not able to test VNC by the time
you file that bug) and VNC works fine.

Post by tong hui
Awesome !! zsun, thank you very much !
Finally the BBB could running fedora latest release version.
Oh, forget to involve the list. So resend this in case someone else needed.
1. BBB can boot up to system[1]. And the current problem is display
(see bug1123618)[2]. If you do not use display (such as use the
minimal image)it should be totally fine.
2. $ sudo fedora-arm-image-installer
Usage: fedora-arm-image-installer <options>
--image=IMAGE - xz compressed image file name
--target=TARGET - target board
--media=DEVICE - media device file (/dev/[sdX|mmcblkX])
--selinux=ON/OFF - Turn SELinux off/on as needed
--norootpass - Remove the root password
-y - Assumes yes, will not wait for confirmation
--version - Display version and exit
--resizefs - Resize root filesystem to fill media device
Example: fedora-arm-image-installer --image=Fedora-Rawhide.xz
--target=panda --media=/dev/mmcblk0 --selinux=OFF
Error: not found! Please choose an existing device.
So the image can be installed by the script.
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223618
I see the script for am335x_boneblack
If that is what the current method is, perhaps the wiki
can be updated?
I am trying to help out someone that has a BBB. I
do not exist.
What is the current status for BBB and F23?
thank you.
And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I
don't see it in
the board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in
the F23 image.
thank you
Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net <http://freenode.net>
arm mailing list
Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net
Paul Whalen
2016-01-04 14:52:18 UTC
Happy new year everyone!

----- Original Message -----
Post by Robert Moskowitz
do not exist.
No longer needed for f23 final, I've removed the note on the wiki, thanks!
Post by Robert Moskowitz
What is the current status for BBB and F23?
thank you.
And is it covered in the fedora-installer-script? I don't see it in the
board.d directory. I do see some uboot files in the F23 image.
thank you
arm mailing list