[fedora-arm] Fedora 23 and Odroid-xu4
ali hagigat
2016-06-13 10:34:14 UTC
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.

I am using the following link:

But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.

/usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3 has two files:

How I should write these files on the final image?
Peter Robinson
2016-06-13 10:57:48 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.

ali hagigat
2016-06-13 13:29:41 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is there pre built images for Fedora+XU4/3? I appreciate any link you may know
Peter Robinson
2016-06-13 14:15:57 UTC
none using an
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is there pre built images for Fedora+XU4/3? I appreciate any link you may know
Yes, the standard Fedora 24 images (choose which one you want) have
support for both the XU3 and XU4. They all have the u-boot and kernel
binaries that are needed. They DO NOT have the binaries I mentioned
before (because we can't legally redistribute them)

Flash the image you want with arm-image-installer with the
--target=none option plus any others you need.

You then need to follow the README.odroid to get them binary bits and
flash the Fedora u-boot with it.

ali hagigat
2016-06-13 15:32:01 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
none using an
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is there pre built images for Fedora+XU4/3? I appreciate any link you may know
Yes, the standard Fedora 24 images (choose which one you want) have
support for both the XU3 and XU4. They all have the u-boot and kernel
binaries that are needed. They DO NOT have the binaries I mentioned
before (because we can't legally redistribute them)
Flash the image you want with arm-image-installer with the
--target=none option plus any others you need.
You then need to follow the README.odroid to get them binary bits and
flash the Fedora u-boot with it.
README.odroid mentions some files like bl1.bin, tzsw.bin, bl2.bin,
... So i need to build and make "u-boot " project to produce those
files? or I can download those files directly? in this case could you
please attach the direct links for those files?
Thank you very much for your valuable answers and sorry to take up your time
Fabien Blanchet
2016-06-13 15:50:25 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
none using an
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is there pre built images for Fedora+XU4/3? I appreciate any link you may know
Yes, the standard Fedora 24 images (choose which one you want) have
support for both the XU3 and XU4. They all have the u-boot and kernel
binaries that are needed. They DO NOT have the binaries I mentioned
before (because we can't legally redistribute them)
Flash the image you want with arm-image-installer with the
--target=none option plus any others you need.
You then need to follow the README.odroid to get them binary bits and
flash the Fedora u-boot with it.
README.odroid mentions some files like bl1.bin, tzsw.bin, bl2.bin,
... So i need to build and make "u-boot " project to produce those
files? or I can download those files directly? in this case could you
please attach the direct links for those files?
Thank you very much for your valuable answers and sorry to take up your time

You will find all needed information on odroid wiki (chapter Installation):

Best regards
ali hagigat
2016-06-14 13:55:00 UTC
Post by Fabien Blanchet
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
none using an
Post by ali hagigat
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by ali hagigat
I want to use the Fedora 23 image with Odroid, XU4/3.
But there is no comment to write uboot to SD card.
How I should write these files on the final image?
We don't support the XU4 on Fedora 23, it is supported on Fedora 24,
you should be able to run the 24 RC quite OK on it, I emailed this
list about the process a few weeks ago (see list archives) with the
details. There's extra steps for the odroid devices as they require
binary blobs we can't redistribute.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is there pre built images for Fedora+XU4/3? I appreciate any link
you may
Yes, the standard Fedora 24 images (choose which one you want) have
support for both the XU3 and XU4. They all have the u-boot and kernel
binaries that are needed. They DO NOT have the binaries I mentioned
before (because we can't legally redistribute them)
Flash the image you want with arm-image-installer with the
--target=none option plus any others you need.
You then need to follow the README.odroid to get them binary bits and
flash the Fedora u-boot with it.
README.odroid mentions some files like bl1.bin, tzsw.bin, bl2.bin,
... So i need to build and make "u-boot " project to produce those
files? or I can download those files directly? in this case could you
please attach the direct links for those files?
Thank you very much for your valuable answers and sorry to take up your time
You will find all needed information on odroid wiki (chapter
Best regards
arm mailing list
Hi there,
1. Step
--target=none --media=/dev/sdb -y --addconsole
= Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-Rawhide-20160612.n.0-sda.raw.xz
= Selected Media : /dev/sdb
= U-Boot Target : none
= Console for none will be added.
= Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-Rawhide-20160612.n.0-sda.raw.xz
= To: /dev/sdb ....
0+221247 Datensätze ein
0+221247 Datensätze aus
2146435072 Bytes (2,1 GB) kopiert, 160,826 s, 13,3 MB/s
= Writing image complete!
= No U-Boot will be installed.
= Installation Complete! Insert into the none and boot.
2. Step
/dev/sdb reader is identified.
BL1 fusing
30+1 Datensätze ein
30+1 Datensätze aus
15616 Bytes (16 kB) kopiert, 0,86316 s, 18,1 kB/s
BL2 fusing
28+1 Datensätze ein
28+1 Datensätze aus
14592 Bytes (15 kB) kopiert, 0,0811976 s, 180 kB/s
u-boot fusing
1064+1 Datensätze ein
1064+1 Datensätze aus
545023 Bytes (545 kB) kopiert, 1,70465 s, 320 kB/s
TrustZone S/W fusing
512+0 Datensätze ein
512+0 Datensätze aus
262144 Bytes (262 kB) kopiert, 0,968704 s, 271 kB/s
U-boot image is fused successfully.
Eject /dev/sdb and insert it again.
3. Step
U-Boot 2016.05 (May 19 2016 - 15:01:47 +0000) for ODROID-XU3
Model: Odroid XU3 based on EXYNOS5422
Board: Odroid XU3 based on EXYNOS5422
Type: xu4
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
starting USB...
USB1: Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
USB2: Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 1 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 2 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for ethernet devices... 1 Ethernet Device(s) found
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
BOOTP broadcast 1
BOOTP broadcast 2
BOOTP broadcast 3
Retry time exceeded; starting again
missing environment variable: pxeuuid
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm-exynos
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
*** ERROR: `serverip' not set
Config file not found
Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect.
BOOTP broadcast 1
BOOTP broadcast 2
BOOTP broadcast 3
Retry time exceeded; starting again
Why does this board didn't boot the Fedora-Kernel?
Waht is missing?
arm mailing list
I saw the following page:
There is a link in that page to download the tool chain to build uboot:

When i first executed :
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

There was an error: ld-linux.so.2, no such file or directory
Then i made a link named ld-linux.so.2 --> ld-2.15.so

This file, ld-2.15.so, is inside the Linaro project and actualy there
are 4 files with this name and i tried them all but after executing:
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

The error is that :
Accessing a corrupted shared library

How to use Linaro and arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v? Please help, thank
you. My system is Fedora 20
ali hagigat
2016-06-14 14:48:04 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
This file, ld-2.15.so, is inside the Linaro project and actualy there
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v
Accessing a corrupted shared library
How to use Linaro and arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v? Please help, thank
you. My system is Fedora 20
I managed to compile and write the resulted u-boot and binary files.
The fan of the board rotates continuously....
But sd_fusing.sh writes the bytes on a blank SD card, how i can
combine this with Fedora24 image?
ali hagigat
2016-06-14 14:58:48 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
I managed to compile and write the resulted u-boot and binary files.
The fan of the board rotates continuously....
But sd_fusing.sh writes the bytes on a blank SD card, how i can
combine this with Fedora24 image?
is it necessary to use arm-image-installer command to create a
correct Fedora image? I just xzcat and then dd to the SD card?
2016-06-14 22:24:48 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
Post by ali hagigat
I managed to compile and write the resulted u-boot and binary files.
The fan of the board rotates continuously....
But sd_fusing.sh writes the bytes on a blank SD card, how i can
combine this with Fedora24 image?
is it necessary to use arm-image-installer command to create a
correct Fedora image? I just xzcat and then dd to the SD card?
I think it a special kernel is required, odroids are not supported by
mainline/fedora kernel's

take a look

ali hagigat
2016-06-15 08:48:13 UTC
as i know, xzcat and then dd did the same as the arm-image-installer.
I'm on the same step: The U-boot is booting but didn't start the kernel.
Something is missing.
arm mailing list
Dear Andreas
The reason, uboot can not start kernel is that sd_fusing is destroying
your boot partition. Try out your sd-card, can you read your boot
partition with a file browser? I guess you can not
By the way when you get this prompt: ODROID-XU3 #
Can you type by a USB keyboard? and see the characters by USB-Serial interface?
2016-06-14 22:42:44 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
Post by ali hagigat
This file, ld-2.15.so, is inside the Linaro project and actualy there
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v
Accessing a corrupted shared library
How to use Linaro and arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v? Please help, thank
you. My system is Fedora 20
I managed to compile and write the resulted u-boot and binary files.
The fan of the board rotates continuously....
But sd_fusing.sh writes the bytes on a blank SD card, how i can
combine this with Fedora24 image?
my recommendation is that you get a usb serial cable, it will help you
to see what's going on.
ali hagigat
2016-06-15 14:06:46 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Yes, the standard Fedora 24 images (choose which one you want) have
support for both the XU3 and XU4. They all have the u-boot and kernel
binaries that are needed. They DO NOT have the binaries I mentioned
before (because we can't legally redistribute them)
Flash the image you want with arm-image-installer with the
--target=none option plus any others you need.
You then need to follow the README.odroid to get them binary bits and
flash the Fedora u-boot with it.
according to your recommend, README.odroid, we need a fat partition
for kernel+fdt while Fedora24 image creates an EXT4 partition for
Besides after writing Fedora 24 image, when i do sd_fusing , _/boot
partition becomes unreadable and there is an error: wrong fs type, bad
option, bad superblock......
Anyway when the board powers on, I can see uboot messages and the last line is:
Uboot does not get the keystrokes of the keyboard though the light of
the keyboard is on but no character is echoed and seen!! and it stops

any comment is highly appreciated
ali hagigat
2016-06-18 08:37:06 UTC
I've changed the filesystem on the boot-partition from EXT4 to FAT
without success. The board is booting the U-Boot but not the kernel.
I did the same. uboot searches kernel and initramfs with correct names
but there is an error:
"invalid FAT entry"
The last line is:
Starting kernel....

EXT4 could not be turned to a FAT 32 partition correctly.
ali hagigat
2016-06-18 14:46:27 UTC
Now, uboot starts and reads initramfs and vmlinuz. But the root file
system can not be found and it enters dracut emergency mode(keyboard
is dead):


Mr.Robinson, I am using Fedora24+lxde image. What is the name of the
root partition?
Dennis Gilmore
2016-06-22 05:52:06 UTC
Post by ali hagigat
Now, uboot starts and reads initramfs and vmlinuz. But the root file
system can not be found and it enters dracut emergency mode(keyboard
Mr.Robinson, I am using Fedora24+lxde image. What is the name of the
root partition?
arm mailing list
you will need to rebuild the initramfs at the least to include dw_exynos-mmc
driver, additionally I made sure that exynosdrm, ehci-exynos and ohci-exynos
were included in the initramfs. I added rd.driver.pre=dw_exynos-
mmc,exynosdrm,ehci-exynos,ohci-exynos to the append line in extlinux.conf

