[fedora-arm] Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting Minutes 2016-03-01
Paul Whalen
2016-03-01 16:29:09 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting

Meeting started by pwhalen at 16:01:27 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 16:02:44)
* No current package issues. Coming to the end of the mass rebuild
with less than 2400 to go. (pwhalen, 16:03:57)
* F25 builds to start once F24 is current. (pwhalen, 16:04:41)

* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:06:32)
* gcc 6 breaks booting on numerous ARM devices -
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1303147 (pwhalen,
* Assistance with this would be much appreciated! (pwhalen, 16:09:36)

* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:18:50)
* Latest - uboot-tools-2016.03-0.3.rc3 (pwhalen, 16:19:19)
* Tested on the Banana Pi (fixes previous data abort when loading
kernel), Panda and Wandboard. No issues so far. (pwhalen, 16:20:01)

* 4) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 16:22:01)

Meeting ended at 16:27:03 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
* (none)

People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (29)
* pbrobinson (29)
* hrw (16)
* zodbot (7)
* yselkowitz (1)
* jsmith (1)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* dgilmore (0)

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