[fedora-arm] Fedora 27 on ODroid UX4
Daniel Riek
2018-03-11 14:46:57 UTC
Quick summary of the steps I took to make Fedora 27 (with a 28 kernel) work
on my ODroid UX4. Thanks to Peter Robinson for his help.

Basically following the instructions from:

- Host Fedora laptop
- Install some stuff on the host:
# dnf -y install minicom fedora-arm-installer uboot-images-armv7.noarch curl
- Create a working directory and enter:
# mkdir ~/ODroid && cd ~/ODroid
- Get Fedora minimal image for ARMv7:
# wget
- Get the hardkernel boot files
# git clone ***@github.com:hardkernel/u-boot.git
# cd u-boot
# git checkout remotes/origin/odroidxu4-v2017.05
# cd ..

- Insert SDcard, make sure the partitions are not mounted.
- Run fedora-arm-installer:
# sudo fedora-arm-image-installer --addkey=~/.ssh/id-rsa.pub --resizefs
--target=none --image=./Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-27-1.6-sda.raw.xz
<http://image%3D./Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-27-1.6-sda.raw.xz> --media=/dev/sdb
- Eject SD and re-insert (not sure that is really needed). Make sure
filesystems are not mounted.

- Write the binary boot code and u-boot:
# cd u-boot/sd_fuse/
# ln -s /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.* .
# sudo ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdb
- Eject SD and re-insert - this time mount it.
- Add 'cpuidle.off=1' to the kernel 'append' command line in extlinux.conf,
otherwise it won't boot: go to the mount point for the __boot volume. In my
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__boot/extlinux/extlinux. conf
# sudo sed -i 's/^\(.*append ro root=UUID=[0-9a-f-]\+\) *$/\1
cpuidle.off=1'/ extlinux.conf

- In order to enable hardware, get 4.15(or later) kernel from the Fedora 28
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__/home
# sudo mkdir packages && cd packages
# for CURP in `curl
2>/dev/null | grep kernel- | sed 's/.*\(kernel.*rpm\).*$/\1/'`; do echo
${CURP} ; sudo curl -o ${CURP}
# cd

- Eject SD and put into ODroid device, boot.
- Connect through minicom to serial console
- Go through the initial setup menu set a root password, time zone, etc.
- Login as root
- Install newer kernel:
# cd /home/packages
# rpm -Uvh kernel-lpae-4*rpm kernel-lpae-core-4*.rpm kernel-lpae-modules-4*
- Update extlinux.conf to set the new kernel as the default
# cd /boot/extlinux
# sed -i 's/^default=Fedora-Mini.*$/default=Fedora/' extlinux.conf

- Reboot

There are a couple of remaining kernel errors, but overall it works as a
starting point.

Also for me "fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none" creates a partition
with Raspi boot files. If that is not intended I should file a BZ on that I


2018-03-11 22:01:05 UTC

Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but failed.
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.

Best Regards,
Post by Daniel Riek
Quick summary of the steps I took to make Fedora 27 (with a 28 kernel) work
on my ODroid UX4. Thanks to Peter Robinson for his help.
- Host Fedora laptop
# dnf -y install minicom fedora-arm-installer uboot-images-armv7.noarch curl
# mkdir ~/ODroid && cd ~/ODroid
# wget
- Get the hardkernel boot files
# cd u-boot
# git checkout remotes/origin/odroidxu4-v2017.05
# cd ..
- Insert SDcard, make sure the partitions are not mounted.
# sudo fedora-arm-image-installer --addkey=~/.ssh/id-rsa.pub --resizefs
--target=none --image=./Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-27-1.6-sda.raw.xz
- Eject SD and re-insert (not sure that is really needed). Make sure
filesystems are not mounted.
# cd u-boot/sd_fuse/
# ln -s /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.* .
# sudo ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdb
- Eject SD and re-insert - this time mount it.
- Add 'cpuidle.off=1' to the kernel 'append' command line in extlinux.conf,
otherwise it won't boot: go to the mount point for the __boot volume. In my
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__boot/extlinux/extlinux. conf
# sudo sed -i 's/^\(.*append ro root=UUID=[0-9a-f-]\+\) *$/\1
cpuidle.off=1'/ extlinux.conf
- In order to enable hardware, get 4.15(or later) kernel from the Fedora 28
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__/home
# sudo mkdir packages && cd packages
# for CURP in `curl
2>/dev/null | grep kernel- | sed 's/.*\(kernel.*rpm\).*$/\1/'`; do echo
${CURP} ; sudo curl -o ${CURP}
# cd
- Eject SD and put into ODroid device, boot.
- Connect through minicom to serial console
- Go through the initial setup menu set a root password, time zone, etc.
- Login as root
# cd /home/packages
# rpm -Uvh kernel-lpae-4*rpm kernel-lpae-core-4*.rpm kernel-lpae-modules-4*
- Update extlinux.conf to set the new kernel as the default
# cd /boot/extlinux
# sed -i 's/^default=Fedora-Mini.*$/default=Fedora/' extlinux.conf
- Reboot
There are a couple of remaining kernel errors, but overall it works as a
starting point.
Also for me "fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none" creates a partition
with Raspi boot files. If that is not intended I should file a BZ on that I
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproje
Dennis Gilmore
2018-03-12 18:52:09 UTC
Post by sakurai
Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.
the BBB ships witha u-boot installed on the internal emmc you will
need to hold down the boot button to have it boot from your sdcard if
you set up one externally, once the system is booted you will need to
update the internal u-boot in order to not need to press the boot
button. you can copy the u-boot.img and MLO files to the vfat
partition, or you can use the update-uboot tool to install the files
into the emmc. The SOC looks for the files in raw disk space before
looking in a vfat partition

2018-03-12 21:47:28 UTC
Hi Dennis,
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by sakurai
Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but failed.
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.
the BBB ships witha u-boot installed on the internal emmc you will
need to hold down the boot button to have it boot from your sdcard if
you set up one externally, once the system is booted you will need to
update the internal u-boot in order to not need to press the boot
I might have done this as Ubuntu can boot without a pressing the boot
Post by Dennis Gilmore
you can copy the u-boot.img and MLO files to the vfat
partition, or you can use the update-uboot tool to install the files
into the emmc. The SOC looks for the files in raw disk space before
looking in a vfat partition
I see. In any case, I do not find any uEnv.txt in my SD card just after the
installation process. Then I made uEnv.txt, and the message said 'File not
found /boot/uImage'. It seems that the SD card is not correctly mounted, though
'ext2ls mmc 0:2' shows uImage after failed boot. Here is the log after
first LED on.

gpio: pin 53 (gpio 53) value is 1
mmc0 is current device
micro SD card found
mmc0 is current device
gpio: pin 54 (gpio 54) value is 1
SD/MMC found on device 0
reading uEnv.txt
237 bytes read in 3 ms (77.1 KiB/s)
Loaded environment from uEnv.txt
Importing environment from mmc ...
Running uenvcmd ...
** File not found /boot/uImage **
Running boot.scr script from mmc ...
## Executing script at 80200000
Wrong image format for "source" command
gpio: pin 55 (gpio 55) value is 1
** File not found /boot/uImage **

Post by Dennis Gilmore
SAKURAI, Atsushi <***@pugpug.org>
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-l
Peter Robinson
2018-03-12 22:31:04 UTC
Post by sakurai
Hi Dennis,
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by sakurai
Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but failed.
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.
the BBB ships witha u-boot installed on the internal emmc you will
need to hold down the boot button to have it boot from your sdcard if
you set up one externally, once the system is booted you will need to
update the internal u-boot in order to not need to press the boot
I might have done this as Ubuntu can boot without a pressing the boot
Post by Dennis Gilmore
you can copy the u-boot.img and MLO files to the vfat
partition, or you can use the update-uboot tool to install the files
into the emmc. The SOC looks for the files in raw disk space before
looking in a vfat partition
I see. In any case, I do not find any uEnv.txt in my SD card just after the
installation process. Then I made uEnv.txt, and the message said 'File not
found /boot/uImage'. It seems that the SD card is not correctly mounted, though
'ext2ls mmc 0:2' shows uImage after failed boot. Here is the log after
first LED on.
Fedora doesn't use either uEnv.txt or uImage* for kernels etc so that
would be expected.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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2018-03-12 22:47:47 UTC
Hi Peter,

Thank you for your prompt comment.
I removed uEnv.txt but following message was displayed.

gpio: pin 53 (gpio 53) value is 1
mmc0 is current device
micro SD card found
mmc0 is current device
gpio: pin 54 (gpio 54) value is 1
SD/MMC found on device 0
reading uEnv.txt
** Unable to read file uEnv.txt **
gpio: pin 55 (gpio 55) value is 1
** File not found /boot/uImage **
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by sakurai
Hi Dennis,
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by sakurai
Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but failed.
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.
the BBB ships witha u-boot installed on the internal emmc you will
need to hold down the boot button to have it boot from your sdcard if
you set up one externally, once the system is booted you will need to
update the internal u-boot in order to not need to press the boot
I might have done this as Ubuntu can boot without a pressing the boot
Post by Dennis Gilmore
you can copy the u-boot.img and MLO files to the vfat
partition, or you can use the update-uboot tool to install the files
into the emmc. The SOC looks for the files in raw disk space before
looking in a vfat partition
I see. In any case, I do not find any uEnv.txt in my SD card just after the
installation process. Then I made uEnv.txt, and the message said 'File not
found /boot/uImage'. It seems that the SD card is not correctly mounted, though
'ext2ls mmc 0:2' shows uImage after failed boot. Here is the log after
first LED on.
Fedora doesn't use either uEnv.txt or uImage* for kernels etc so that
would be expected.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fe
Peter Robinson
2018-03-12 23:18:24 UTC
Post by sakurai
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your prompt comment.
I removed uEnv.txt but following message was displayed.
gpio: pin 53 (gpio 53) value is 1
mmc0 is current device
micro SD card found
mmc0 is current device
gpio: pin 54 (gpio 54) value is 1
SD/MMC found on device 0
reading uEnv.txt
** Unable to read file uEnv.txt **
gpio: pin 55 (gpio 55) value is 1
** File not found /boot/uImage *
I don't know what you've done to now, you're likely possibly better
off starting again with arm-image-installer to setup the image again
with am335x_evm and then try booting with the boot button held down.

You might also want to give the full output.

PS please next time also don't hijack a thread but instead start a new
mailing list thread, I nearly didn't notice this as it's _COMPLETELY_
unrelated to a odroid device.
Post by sakurai
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by sakurai
Hi Dennis,
Post by Dennis Gilmore
Post by sakurai
Has anyone already suceeded to install ARM Fedora 27 on the beagle bone black?
If so, would you kindly provide a pointer?
I have tried to install it using --target=am335x_boneblack but failed.
It seems there is
not uEnv.txt installed. Moreover, though the installer seems to do dd
for MLO as well as
u-boot.img, there is no such file in the first FAT partition. That is
why I copied them from
the fourth partition.
the BBB ships witha u-boot installed on the internal emmc you will
need to hold down the boot button to have it boot from your sdcard if
you set up one externally, once the system is booted you will need to
update the internal u-boot in order to not need to press the boot
I might have done this as Ubuntu can boot without a pressing the boot
Post by Dennis Gilmore
you can copy the u-boot.img and MLO files to the vfat
partition, or you can use the update-uboot tool to install the files
into the emmc. The SOC looks for the files in raw disk space before
looking in a vfat partition
I see. In any case, I do not find any uEnv.txt in my SD card just after the
installation process. Then I made uEnv.txt, and the message said 'File not
found /boot/uImage'. It seems that the SD card is not correctly mounted, though
'ext2ls mmc 0:2' shows uImage after failed boot. Here is the log after
first LED on.
Fedora doesn't use either uEnv.txt or uImage* for kernels etc so that
would be expected.
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send a
Daniel Riek
2018-03-18 13:52:00 UTC
Quick update on using an emmc:

I got an emmc from Hardkernel.

If you have an emmc to sdcard adapter, you can use that to install Fedora
on the emmc using the same fedora-arm-installer command as below. But don't
run the sd_fuse command.

Put the original sdcard back into the Linux host, copy everything from the
u-boot/sd_fuse directiry (see below) to the sdcard (I put it in
/home/sd_fuse). Unmount, eject the sdcard. Watch out for the symlinks we
created in the original step.

Install the emmc on the bottom of the ODroid. Don't change the boot switch

Put the sdcard back in the ODroid, boot.

On the ODroid, if you didn't use the emmc sdcard installer, you should be
able to particion the emmc (should be /dev/mmcblk0, while the sdcard is *1)
and rsync over /boot and /, adjust labels, etc. However I didn't try that

Go to the sd_fuse directory and run
# ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/mmcblk0

shut down the ODroid, take out the sdcard and switch the boot selector
switch to emmc.



Post by Daniel Riek
Quick summary of the steps I took to make Fedora 27 (with a 28 kernel)
work on my ODroid UX4. Thanks to Peter Robinson for his help.
- Host Fedora laptop
# dnf -y install minicom fedora-arm-installer uboot-images-armv7.noarch curl
# mkdir ~/ODroid && cd ~/ODroid
# wget
- Get the hardkernel boot files
# cd u-boot
# git checkout remotes/origin/odroidxu4-v2017.05
# cd ..
- Insert SDcard, make sure the partitions are not mounted.
# sudo fedora-arm-image-installer --addkey=~/.ssh/id-rsa.pub --resizefs
--target=none --image=./Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-27-1.6-sda.raw.xz
- Eject SD and re-insert (not sure that is really needed). Make sure
filesystems are not mounted.
# cd u-boot/sd_fuse/
# ln -s /usr/share/uboot/odroid-xu3/u-boot.* .
# sudo ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdb
- Eject SD and re-insert - this time mount it.
- Add 'cpuidle.off=1' to the kernel 'append' command line in
extlinux.conf, otherwise it won't boot: go to the mount point for the
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__boot/extlinux/extlinux. conf
# sudo sed -i 's/^\(.*append ro root=UUID=[0-9a-f-]\+\) *$/\1
cpuidle.off=1'/ extlinux.conf
- In order to enable hardware, get 4.15(or later) kernel from the Fedora
# cd /run/media/${USERNAME}/__/home
# sudo mkdir packages && cd packages
# for CURP in `curl
2>/dev/null | grep kernel- | sed 's/.*\(kernel.*rpm\).*$/\1/'`; do echo
${CURP} ; sudo curl -o ${CURP}
# cd
- Eject SD and put into ODroid device, boot.
- Connect through minicom to serial console
- Go through the initial setup menu set a root password, time zone, etc.
- Login as root
# cd /home/packages
# rpm -Uvh kernel-lpae-4*rpm kernel-lpae-core-4*.rpm kernel-lpae-modules-4*
- Update extlinux.conf to set the new kernel as the default
# cd /boot/extlinux
# sed -i 's/^default=Fedora-Mini.*$/default=Fedora/' extlinux.conf
- Reboot
There are a couple of remaining kernel errors, but overall it works as a
starting point.
Also for me "fedora-arm-image-installer --target=none" creates a
partition with Raspi boot files. If that is not intended I should file a BZ
on that I guess.