[fedora-arm] 404 error when downloading broadcom 43430-sdio.txt file
Chris Tatman
2018-02-12 15:28:31 UTC
Hey All,

When attempting to download the brcrm wifi sdio text file per instructions:


I am getting a 404 error message.

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree/master/brcm80211/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
404: Not Found

Looks like the link is dead?

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David Todd
2018-02-12 15:45:39 UTC
Good Morning, Chris,

    I _think_ this is what you're looking for, off the official RPi
github site:


I haven't tried this, though, so use it with caution.  I'm working on
getting a reliable F27 aarch64 version working on my RPi-3B and that
tree is just for 32-bit, I think.

David Todd
Post by Chris Tatman
Hey All,
I am getting a 404 error message.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree/master/brcm80211/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
404: Not Found
Looks like the link is dead?
David Todd
2018-02-12 15:47:04 UTC

    Ah, that site has just the .bin files, not the .txt files.  I'll
look around to see if I can find the larger repository.
Post by Chris Tatman
Hey All,
I am getting a 404 error message.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree/master/brcm80211/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
404: Not Found
Looks like the link is dead?
Peter Robinson
2018-02-12 16:04:49 UTC
Post by Chris Tatman
Hey All,
I am getting a 404 error message.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree/master/brcm80211/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
404: Not Found
Looks like the link is dead?
They rebased the firmware and deleted the text file. Earlier today I
updated the wiki with a new link, so you if you shift+reload the page
you should get it, but it's [1] for reference here.

[1] https://fedora.roving-it.com/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
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David Todd
2018-02-12 16:14:23 UTC
Post by Chris Tatman
Hey All,
I am getting a 404 error message.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree/master/brcm80211/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
404: Not Found
Looks like the link is dead?
    Standard advice a year ago was to download it from here:
but that site is gone, too.  Haven't been able (after only a quick
search) to find an alternate source.

    From this thread,
an alternate approach would be to copy the missing txt file from an SD
containing a working version of Raspbian Stretch.

    Interesting that the .bin files are in a public repository but the
.txt files aren't.  I'm sure there's a reason for that, but I can't
think of one immediately.

    Ah, I see that you've just gotten an updated link.  I'll go check
that out, too.
Chris Tatman
2018-02-12 17:35:55 UTC

I just googled around and found a copy of the file on the OpenELEC github. Copied and pasted into a text file and stuck it where it needed to go.

Peter - Thanks for the updated link. I'll try it out!

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