Paul Whalen
2016-03-08 16:42:20 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 16:01:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 16:10:01)
* Mass rebuild for F24 AArch64 complete, now time for cleanups.
(pwhalen, 16:11:29)
* statistics: {'older': 156, 'local_only': 1, 'remote_only': 322,
'same': 17535, 'newer': 0, 'total_missing_builds': 250} (pwhalen,
* issue with new grub2 build, pbrobinson is working with the
maintainer to fix it. (pwhalen, 16:12:09)
* f25 for AArch64 is now building as well, about 1200 builds behind
there, should be caught up in a couple of days (pwhalen, 16:12:50)
* Nightlies for f25 and f24 AArch64 should start within the next
couple of days (pwhalen, 16:17:39)
* Packages may not be signed (all arches), currently being looked at
and should be resolved shortly. (pwhalen, 16:19:04)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:20:16)
* gcc 6 breaks booting on numerous ARM devices (bz#1303147) (pwhalen,
* LINK: gcc 6 breaks booting on
numerous ARM devices (hrw, 16:21:07)
* LINK: upstream gcc
bug for it (hrw, 16:21:38)
* Kernels now booting on Cortex-A7/A15 devices (pwhalen, 16:22:00)
* LINK: (initrd on
aarch64) needs checking with newer kernel etc (hrw, 16:24:06)
* Please resume testing on all devices, report issues to the
list/Bugzilla (pwhalen, 16:24:24)
* PINE64, Jetson TX1 and Geekbox now enabled as of 4.5.0-0.rc7.git0.1
(pwhalen, 16:27:42)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:30:16)
* Latest - uboot-tools-2016.03-0.4.rc3.fc24 (pwhalen, 16:30:44)
* 4) == F24 testing == (pwhalen, 16:34:09)
(pwhalen, 16:34:21)
* Please test and add results to the wiki. (pwhalen, 16:35:41)
* 5) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 16:36:34)
Meeting ended at 16:40:27 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (54)
* pbrobinson (36)
* hrw (30)
* zodbot (6)
* masta (2)
* dgilmore (1)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 16:01:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 16:10:01)
* Mass rebuild for F24 AArch64 complete, now time for cleanups.
(pwhalen, 16:11:29)
* statistics: {'older': 156, 'local_only': 1, 'remote_only': 322,
'same': 17535, 'newer': 0, 'total_missing_builds': 250} (pwhalen,
* issue with new grub2 build, pbrobinson is working with the
maintainer to fix it. (pwhalen, 16:12:09)
* f25 for AArch64 is now building as well, about 1200 builds behind
there, should be caught up in a couple of days (pwhalen, 16:12:50)
* Nightlies for f25 and f24 AArch64 should start within the next
couple of days (pwhalen, 16:17:39)
* Packages may not be signed (all arches), currently being looked at
and should be resolved shortly. (pwhalen, 16:19:04)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:20:16)
* gcc 6 breaks booting on numerous ARM devices (bz#1303147) (pwhalen,
* LINK: gcc 6 breaks booting on
numerous ARM devices (hrw, 16:21:07)
* LINK: upstream gcc
bug for it (hrw, 16:21:38)
* Kernels now booting on Cortex-A7/A15 devices (pwhalen, 16:22:00)
* LINK: (initrd on
aarch64) needs checking with newer kernel etc (hrw, 16:24:06)
* Please resume testing on all devices, report issues to the
list/Bugzilla (pwhalen, 16:24:24)
* PINE64, Jetson TX1 and Geekbox now enabled as of 4.5.0-0.rc7.git0.1
(pwhalen, 16:27:42)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:30:16)
* Latest - uboot-tools-2016.03-0.4.rc3.fc24 (pwhalen, 16:30:44)
* 4) == F24 testing == (pwhalen, 16:34:09)
(pwhalen, 16:34:21)
* Please test and add results to the wiki. (pwhalen, 16:35:41)
* 5) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 16:36:34)
Meeting ended at 16:40:27 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (54)
* pbrobinson (36)
* hrw (30)
* zodbot (6)
* masta (2)
* dgilmore (1)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: