[fedora-arm] Re: feedback raspberry fedora version
Peter Robinson
2016-10-22 11:51:27 UTC
First, can you please send this to the list next time, queries about
general things can help others, and others can answer other than me.
I've cc:ed the list on my response for reference of others.
I just saw your article in Fedora Magazine. Brilliant to have Fedora 25 on
Raspberry PI 2 and 3 !!! Thanks a lot !!!
I hope we will see a Raspberry Pi 4 with more RAM(2 GB or 4 GB) and
Ethernet 10/100/1000, to make a cluster !!!
It won't happen, adds too much cost and it doesn't further their
cause. Even just usb3 probably adds $3-4 to the cost. If you want that
go and buy any one of numerous other devices out there. There's quite
a few devices out there that are much better than the Pi for
clustering, even some of the Orange Pi devices have more RAM,
dedicated gb ethernet and 3 independent usb buses while costing
similar price.
Not so many Linux boards supported by Fedora. Can we hope to see a Fedora
We support well over 100 different ARM devices, not sure you're
definition of "not so many" but maybe that's different to mine.
25 release for the Odroid C2 board, a nice cheap board with 2GB of RAM and Ethernet 10/100/1000 ? see
http://rglinuxtech.com/ for some tries/tests.
No, we support devices when they're upstream in the upstream kernel.
There's a lot of basic support on this board that's no where near
upstream like MMC, there might be enough in the 4.10 kernel which
means we should be able to support it in Fedora 26.

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