[fedora-arm] Fedora on Rpi3B
Michal Schorm
2016-10-11 22:09:04 UTC
I am desperately trying to run Fedora on my Raspberry Pi 3 B.
So far, I wasn't successfull at all.

I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.

Successes till now:
* Boot from USB enabled or RPi3B.
* Raspbian image runs well, i configured Raspbian quite as I wanted. (Which provides two basic debug informations - RPi runs and it runs well both from SD and USB)
* even CentOS image run well (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch/Arm32/RaspberryPi3)

Informations I use:
* I heard, new stable linux kernel (4.7.6) supports RPi3.
* I heard, Fedora 25 use this kernel
=> which means it should be able to run on Rpi3 arch without workarounds (like use kernel used for RPi2)

I went through dozens tutorials, articles, tips, tricks & gits but the vast majority was about RPi2.

So now few questions to the begining?
1) Are there images of Fedora for RPi3? (in case I am just blind)
2) Will they ever be here? (in case it would't be somehow possible to run Fedora on RPi3 properly ever)
3) Can I use raw images of Fedora 25 ARM on getfedora.org? (Are they ready to run on RPi3? Are the kernel changes already integrated in this version?)
3.1) How can I transfer it to my SD card for RPi3? (I tried gnome-disks, dd, fedora-media-creator, fedora-arm-maker ... or whatever are all those called, still no success.)
Michal Schorm
Core Services - Databases Team
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Peter Robinson
2016-10-11 22:51:26 UTC
Post by Michal Schorm
I am desperately trying to run Fedora on my Raspberry Pi 3 B.
So far, I wasn't successfull at all.
So we only officially support it as of today on Fedora 25 Beta. All
the ARM images are supported and the instructions are here
Post by Michal Schorm
I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.
So I believe the instructions in the wiki for Fedora 25 Beta are quite
straight forward in the above wiki link but would love feedback.

Post by Michal Schorm
* Boot from USB enabled or RPi3B.
* Raspbian image runs well, i configured Raspbian quite as I wanted. (Which provides two basic debug informations - RPi runs and it runs well both from SD and USB)
* even CentOS image run well (https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch/Arm32/RaspberryPi3)
* I heard, new stable linux kernel (4.7.6) supports RPi3.
* I heard, Fedora 25 use this kernel
=> which means it should be able to run on Rpi3 arch without workarounds (like use kernel used for RPi2)
I went through dozens tutorials, articles, tips, tricks & gits but the vast majority was about RPi2.
So now few questions to the begining?
1) Are there images of Fedora for RPi3? (in case I am just blind)
2) Will they ever be here? (in case it would't be somehow possible to run Fedora on RPi3 properly ever)
3) Can I use raw images of Fedora 25 ARM on getfedora.org? (Are they ready to run on RPi3? Are the kernel changes already integrated in this version?)
3.1) How can I transfer it to my SD card for RPi3? (I tried gnome-disks, dd, fedora-media-creator, fedora-arm-maker ... or whatever are all those called, still no success.)
Michal Schorm
Core Services - Databases Team
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Clive Messer
2016-10-12 19:01:27 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
So we only officially support it as of today on Fedora 25 Beta. All
the ARM images are supported and the instructions are here
Well done, Peter! Shame about the lack of overlay, (and therefore HAT
support), but it's great that there is finally official support for the
Pi in Fedora.


Clive Messer <***@gmail.com>
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Peter Robinson
2016-10-12 19:42:30 UTC
Post by Clive Messer
Post by Peter Robinson
So we only officially support it as of today on Fedora 25 Beta. All
the ARM images are supported and the instructions are here
Well done, Peter! Shame about the lack of overlay, (and therefore HAT
support), but it's great that there is finally official support for the
Pi in Fedora.
It's being worked on, it wasn't seen as a blocker for the device to be
generally usable for quite a few of the the usecases.

I had discussions a few weeks ago with upstream developers about the
status of all the various components and it's almost there and it's
something that it relatively straight forward to land post GA.

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Gerd Hoffmann
2016-10-13 06:58:01 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Michal Schorm
I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.
So I believe the instructions in the wiki for Fedora 25 Beta are quite
straight forward in the above wiki link but would love feedback.
The tl;dr version: just dd the image to the sdcard and boot from it.

/me is happy to see rpi support landing in fedora.

Any hints on how making the touch display work (just output)? I can see
the initial boot messages, but at some point the display goes away.

Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Peter Robinson
2016-10-13 08:43:35 UTC
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Michal Schorm
I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.
So I believe the instructions in the wiki for Fedora 25 Beta are quite
straight forward in the above wiki link but would love feedback.
The tl;dr version: just dd the image to the sdcard and boot from it.
/me is happy to see rpi support landing in fedora.
Any hints on how making the touch display work (just output)? I can see
the initial boot messages, but at some point the display goes away.
What is the touch display? Is this the official Raspberry Pi 7inch add
on? If so it's covered in the FAQ:

Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Gerd Hoffmann
2016-10-13 09:09:39 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Michal Schorm
I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.
So I believe the instructions in the wiki for Fedora 25 Beta are quite
straight forward in the above wiki link but would love feedback.
The tl;dr version: just dd the image to the sdcard and boot from it.
/me is happy to see rpi support landing in fedora.
Any hints on how making the touch display work (just output)? I can see
the initial boot messages, but at some point the display goes away.
What is the touch display? Is this the official Raspberry Pi 7inch add
Post by Peter Robinson
Yes, I know, vc4 can't deal with it yet.

But simplefb does fine (without 3d accel of course), at least with my
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
... without success.

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Peter Robinson
2016-10-13 09:12:41 UTC
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Michal Schorm
I don't understand well, what everything I must do in order to create bootable (micro)SD card or USB flash drive with Fedora.
So I believe the instructions in the wiki for Fedora 25 Beta are quite
straight forward in the above wiki link but would love feedback.
The tl;dr version: just dd the image to the sdcard and boot from it.
/me is happy to see rpi support landing in fedora.
Any hints on how making the touch display work (just output)? I can see
the initial boot messages, but at some point the display goes away.
What is the touch display? Is this the official Raspberry Pi 7inch add
Post by Peter Robinson
Yes, I know, vc4 can't deal with it yet.
But simplefb does fine (without 3d accel of course), at least with my
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
... without success.
Not a usecase I've tried, have you tried blacklisting the vc4 module
in something like "/etc/modprobe.d/vc4.conf"? I don't have a screen to
test with but I'll test the general usecase without vc4 and update the

We might also need to add the touchscreen driver to the kernel. I'm
not sure what is in the HW from the touchscreen PoV, I'll see if I can
find out.

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Gerd Hoffmann
2016-10-13 09:24:21 UTC
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
... without success.
Not a usecase I've tried, have you tried blacklisting the vc4 module
in something like "/etc/modprobe.d/vc4.conf"?
Yes. Even tried to remove vc4.ko from the filesystem, suspecting that
blacklisting didn't work for some reason. Didn't help.
Post by Peter Robinson
We might also need to add the touchscreen driver to the kernel. I'm
not sure what is in the HW from the touchscreen PoV, I'll see if I can
find out.
For touch to actually work yes, driver from rpi tree @ github must be
ported over. IIRC it's connected via i2c.

Display output doesn't need the touch driver though.

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Peter Robinson
2016-10-13 09:27:27 UTC
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
... without success.
Not a usecase I've tried, have you tried blacklisting the vc4 module
in something like "/etc/modprobe.d/vc4.conf"?
Yes. Even tried to remove vc4.ko from the filesystem, suspecting that
blacklisting didn't work for some reason. Didn't help.
I suspect then something is getting powered off because it doesn't
think it's needed. Will investigate.
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
We might also need to add the touchscreen driver to the kernel. I'm
not sure what is in the HW from the touchscreen PoV, I'll see if I can
find out.
ported over. IIRC it's connected via i2c.
Display output doesn't need the touch driver though.
Sure, but I wasn't sure exactly what you were after.

arm mailing list -- ***@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to arm-***@lists.fedoraproject.
Michal Schorm
2016-10-13 10:46:03 UTC
I finally managed to get the image to the card and successfuly run it.
Maybe it's beacuse new version was released (25 Beta 1.1), because I tried
all ways you suggested. (And yes, I was on Fedora wiki before, like on all
RPi pages from F18, nothing helped me.)

So, now I have:
OS: Fedora 25 Server Beta 1.1
FORMAT: compressed *.raw file
INSTALLATION: decompression
dd bs=4M if="/path/image.raw" of=/dev/mmcblk0; sync

However it runs anaconda installation at the beginning, so it can't be fast
deployed like other RPi OS distros. Either way it need configuration, so I
will make my own image later.

The second thing is, that it feels like it runs slow - comapared to
Raspbian or CentOS I tried on the same RPi3B.
Is it just a feeling or it is something known?

Thanks for replies!
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Trying to fix that by blacklisting vc4 (to make things continue on
simplefb, due to vc4 not yet supporting dsi) doesn't work for some
reason with the F25 beta image ...
... without success.
Not a usecase I've tried, have you tried blacklisting the vc4 module
in something like "/etc/modprobe.d/vc4.conf"?
Yes. Even tried to remove vc4.ko from the filesystem, suspecting that
blacklisting didn't work for some reason. Didn't help.
I suspect then something is getting powered off because it doesn't
think it's needed. Will investigate.
Post by Gerd Hoffmann
Post by Peter Robinson
We might also need to add the touchscreen driver to the kernel. I'm
not sure what is in the HW from the touchscreen PoV, I'll see if I can
find out.
ported over. IIRC it's connected via i2c.
Display output doesn't need the touch driver though.
Sure, but I wasn't sure exactly what you were after.
Michal Schorm
Core Services - Databases Team
mail: ***@redhat.com