uder some circumstance, after few seconds every desktop X environment goes "non drawing"
Wen I installed fluxbox, it worked like a charm
When I add, or install as alon, any "bigger one" - (mate, xfce), it goes non drawing, and it even
prevent fluxbox from proepr work.
* First few minutes (sometimes only seconds) it works like charm
* then the gui stop to draw
* however it responds
*if you click to menu, nothing show,
* but if you click any program, again nothing show, but progream starts
* even cursor changes when it goes over the running, invisible program
* the program responds (but agian, ntohingis visible)
Can it be messa issue? Do you have some advice about display drivers please?
Post by Peter RobinsonPost by Jiri VanekPost by Peter RobinsonPost by Jiri VanekHello!
Have somebody sucsesfully run the official[1] rpi camera on Fedora, aarch64?
I have f29 sucesfully running on pi 3B+ and the only glitch is my inability tu run cammera:(
Thank you very much for kind answer. Btw, great work on aarch64 and small baords!
Post by Peter RobinsonNot yet, we do have the drivers enabled in 4.19 in rawhide, and
there's some changes in Fedora 29 which will allow us to use the
config.txt to enable HATs and hardware like the the camera. I've not
There is a question how to do this right. When I was playing with camera on rasbian, it was eating
enormous resources. So it will not be enugh to jsut read config.txt but also adapt it in runtime.
Thus I ended with "dual boot" one with rasbian for camera only, and one with fully featured fedora.
Yes, there's a bunch of work done on a number of components here, the
Raspberry Pi has media acceleration engine and various other features
that will all assist this, the problem is a lot of these are focused
around the original not open source drivers, there's work being done
to enable the media acceleration at the same time as the camera.
Post by Jiri VanekPost by Peter Robinsonhad the time to yet pull those bits together to actually test the
camera and fix the likely missing bits. I'm hoping to get to the final
pieces including the testing of it and the documentation on how to
enable it and actually make sure it works in the coming weeks. If
you're interested in helping out I can provide some details of how I
think it should work.
Once the documentation is done, I will hlp with testing for sure.
Post by Peter RobinsonPeter
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Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
Fedora Code of Conduct:
List Guidelines:
Jiri Vanek
Senior QE engineer, OpenJDK QE lead, Mgr.
Red Hat Czech
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