[fedora-arm] Re: Fedora rawhide compose report: 20160616.n.0 changes
Caius Chance
2016-06-16 08:25:19 UTC

On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 at 16:40 Fedora Rawhide arm Report <
OLD: Fedora-Rawhide-20160615.n.0
NEW: Fedora-Rawhide-20160616.n.0
===== SUMMARY =====
Added images: 0
Dropped images: 0
Added packages: 2
Dropped packages: 0
Upgraded packages: 135
Downgraded packages: 0
Size of added packages: 35.54 KiB
Size of dropped packages: 0.00 B
Size of upgraded packages: 176.47 MiB
Size of downgraded packages: 0.00 B
Size change of upgraded packages: -2.62 MiB
Size change of downgraded packages: 0.00 B
===== ADDED IMAGES =====
===== DROPPED IMAGES =====
===== ADDED PACKAGES =====
Package: perl-Alien-ZMQ-0.06-1.fc25
Summary: Find and install libzmq library
RPMs: perl-Alien-ZMQ
Size: 22622 bytes
Package: perl-Test-Needs-0.002002-1.fc25
Summary: Skip tests when modules not available
RPMs: perl-Test-Needs
Size: 13770 bytes
Package: access-modifier-annotation-1.7-3.fc25
Old package: access-modifier-annotation-1.7-2.fc24
Summary: Java annotation for custom access modifiers
RPMs: access-modifier-annotation
access-modifier-annotation-javadoc access-modifier-checker
Size: 83958 bytes
Size change: -3076 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: apache-commons-cli-1.3.1-4.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-cli-1.3.1-3.fc24
Summary: Command Line Interface Library for Java
RPMs: apache-commons-cli apache-commons-cli-javadoc
Size: 143708 bytes
Size change: -2016 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-dbutils-1.5-11.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-dbutils-1.5-10.fc24
Summary: Apache Commons DbUtils Package
RPMs: apache-commons-dbutils apache-commons-dbutils-javadoc
Size: 146788 bytes
Size change: -1788 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-digester-2.1-7.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-digester-2.1-6.fc24
Summary: XML to Java object mapping module
RPMs: apache-commons-digester apache-commons-digester-javadoc
Size: 453828 bytes
Size change: -1176 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-discovery-2:0.5-16.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-discovery-2:0.5-15.fc24
Summary: Apache Commons Discovery
RPMs: apache-commons-discovery apache-commons-discovery-javadoc
Size: 188624 bytes
Size change: -2288 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: apache-commons-email-1.3.1-6.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-email-1.3.1-5.fc24
Summary: Apache Commons Email Package
RPMs: apache-commons-email apache-commons-email-javadoc
Size: 141264 bytes
Size change: -2424 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-exec-1.3-5.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-exec-1.3-4.fc24
Summary: Java library to reliably execute external processes from
within the JVM
RPMs: apache-commons-exec apache-commons-exec-javadoc
Size: 146840 bytes
Size change: -1572 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-jexl-2.1.1-16.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-jexl-2.1.1-15.fc24
Summary: Java Expression Language (JEXL)
RPMs: apache-commons-jexl apache-commons-jexl-javadoc
Size: 539648 bytes
Size change: -2300 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-modeler-2.0.1-18.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-modeler-2.0.1-17.fc24
Summary: Model MBeans utility classes
RPMs: apache-commons-modeler apache-commons-modeler-javadoc
Size: 231224 bytes
Size change: -2068 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-parent-40-2.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-parent-40-1.fc25
Summary: Apache Commons Parent Pom
RPMs: apache-commons-parent
Size: 27134 bytes
Size change: 128 bytes
- Add missing dependency
Package: apache-commons-pool-1.6-13.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-pool-1.6-12.fc24
Summary: Apache Commons Pool Package
RPMs: apache-commons-pool apache-commons-pool-javadoc
Size: 224628 bytes
Size change: -1504 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: apache-commons-validator-1.5.0-3.fc25
Old package: apache-commons-validator-1.5.0-2.fc24
Summary: Apache Commons Validator
RPMs: apache-commons-validator apache-commons-validator-javadoc
Size: 345324 bytes
Size change: -2112 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: base64coder-20101219-15.fc25
Old package: base64coder-20101219-14.fc24
Summary: Fast and compact Base64 encoder/decoder Java library
RPMs: base64coder base64coder-javadoc
Size: 38700 bytes
Size change: -2488 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: bridge-method-injector-1.14-5.fc25
Old package: bridge-method-injector-1.14-4.fc24
Summary: Evolve Java classes without breaking compatibility
RPMs: bridge-method-annotation bridge-method-injector
Size: 64822 bytes
Size change: -3088 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: btrfs-sxbackup-0.6.7-1.fc25
Old package: btrfs-sxbackup-0.6.6-2.fc25
Summary: Incremental btrfs snapshot backups with push/pull support
via SSH
RPMs: btrfs-sxbackup
Size: 61878 bytes
Size change: -1232 bytes
- Update to 0.6.7
Package: buildnumber-maven-plugin-1.3-6.fc25
Old package: buildnumber-maven-plugin-1.3-5.fc24
Summary: Build Number Maven Plugin
RPMs: buildnumber-maven-plugin buildnumber-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 80580 bytes
Size change: -2248 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: cal10n-0.8.1-2.fc25
Old package: cal10n-0.8.1-1.fc25
Summary: Compiler assisted localization library (CAL10N)
RPMs: cal10n cal10n-javadoc maven-cal10n-plugin
Size: 135030 bytes
Size change: -356 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: concurrentunit-0.4.2-3.fc25
Old package: concurrentunit-0.4.2-2.fc25
Summary: Toolkit for testing multi-threaded and asynchronous
RPMs: concurrentunit concurrentunit-javadoc
Size: 48280 bytes
Size change: 64 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: decentxml-1.4-13.fc25
Old package: decentxml-1.4-12.fc24
Summary: XML parser optimized for round-tripping and code reuse
RPMs: decentxml decentxml-javadoc
Size: 262852 bytes
Size change: -2084 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: dogtag-pki-10.3.2-2.fc25
Old package: dogtag-pki-10.3.2-1.fc25
Summary: Dogtag Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Suite
RPMs: dogtag-pki
Size: 16046 bytes
Size change: 148 bytes
Package: dom4j-1.6.1-27.fc25
Old package: dom4j-1.6.1-26.fc24
Summary: Open Source XML framework for Java
RPMs: dom4j dom4j-demo dom4j-javadoc dom4j-manual
Size: 1659124 bytes
Size change: -4084 bytes
- Fix build-dependency on jaxen
Package: eclipse-egit-4.4.0-2.fc25
Old package: eclipse-egit-4.4.0-1.fc25
Summary: Eclipse Git Integration
RPMs: eclipse-egit eclipse-egit-mylyn
Size: 8558004 bytes
Size change: 168 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-egit-github-4.4.0-1.fc25
Old package: eclipse-egit-github-4.3.0-1.fc25
Summary: Eclipse EGit Mylyn GitHub Connector
RPMs: eclipse-egit-github
Size: 701382 bytes
Size change: 444 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to latest release
Package: eclipse-emf-query-1.9.0-4.fc25
Old package: eclipse-emf-query-1.9.0-3.fc24
Summary: Specify and execute queries against EMF models
RPMs: eclipse-emf-query
Size: 305566 bytes
Size change: -1008 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-emf-transaction-1.9.0-4.fc25
Old package: eclipse-emf-transaction-1.9.0-3.fc24
Summary: A model management layer for managing EMF resources
RPMs: eclipse-emf-transaction
Size: 914222 bytes
Size change: -1240 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-emf-validation-1.9.0-6.fc25
Old package: eclipse-emf-validation-1.9.0-5.fc25
Summary: Verify the integrity of EMF models
RPMs: eclipse-emf-validation
Size: 752594 bytes
Size change: -56 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-gef-3.11.0-0.2gitd3e8eb2.fc25
Old package: eclipse-gef-3.11.0-0.1gitd3e8eb2.fc25
Summary: Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Eclipse plug-in
RPMs: eclipse-gef eclipse-gef-examples eclipse-gef-sdk
Size: 8624706 bytes
Size change: 12520 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-jgit-4.4.0-3.fc25
Old package: eclipse-jgit-4.4.0-2.fc25
Summary: Eclipse JGit
RPMs: eclipse-jgit jgit jgit-javadoc
Size: 4381726 bytes
Size change: 488 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-m2e-core-1.6.2-6.fc25
Old package: eclipse-m2e-core-1.6.2-5.fc24
Summary: Maven integration for Eclipse
RPMs: eclipse-m2e-core eclipse-m2e-core-javadoc
Size: 4142902 bytes
Size change: -14536 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-mpc-1.4.2-2.fc25
Old package: eclipse-mpc-1.4.2-1.fc25
Summary: Eclipse Marketplace Client
RPMs: eclipse-mpc
Size: 1517978 bytes
Size change: 192 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: eclipse-mylyn-3.19.0-4.fc25
Old package: eclipse-mylyn-3.19.0-3.fc25
Summary: Eclipse Mylyn main feature.
RPMs: eclipse-mylyn eclipse-mylyn-builds
eclipse-mylyn-builds-hudson eclipse-mylyn-context-cdt
eclipse-mylyn-context-java eclipse-mylyn-context-pde
eclipse-mylyn-docs-epub eclipse-mylyn-docs-wikitext eclipse-mylyn-sdk
eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla eclipse-mylyn-tasks-trac
eclipse-mylyn-tasks-web eclipse-mylyn-tests eclipse-mylyn-versions
eclipse-mylyn-versions-cvs eclipse-mylyn-versions-git
Size: 18891510 bytes
Size change: -3088 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: enki-16.04.1-1.fc25
Old package: enki-16.04.0-3.fc25
Summary: Text editor for programmers
RPMs: enki enki-doc
Size: 1245820 bytes
Size change: 64904 bytes
- new version
- drop upstreamed patch
Package: felix-parent-2.1-10.fc25
Old package: felix-parent-2.1-9.fc24
Summary: Parent POM file for Apache Felix Specs
RPMs: felix-parent
Size: 15758 bytes
Size change: -996 bytes
- Add missing requires
Package: forge-parent-38-6.fc25
Old package: forge-parent-38-5.fc24
Summary: Sonatype Forge Parent Pom
RPMs: forge-parent
Size: 16610 bytes
Size change: -1020 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: fusesource-pom-1.9-13.fc25
Old package: fusesource-pom-1.9-12.fc24
Summary: Parent POM for FuseSource Maven projects
RPMs: fusesource-pom
Size: 15678 bytes
Size change: -1260 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: geronimo-parent-poms-1.6-22.fc25
Old package: geronimo-parent-poms-1.6-21.fc24
Summary: Parent POM files for geronimo-specs
RPMs: geronimo-parent-poms
Size: 15870 bytes
Size change: -1024 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: glassfish-jsp-2.3.3-0.5.b02.fc25
Old package: glassfish-jsp-2.3.3-0.4.b02.fc24
Summary: Glassfish J2EE JSP API implementation
RPMs: glassfish-jsp glassfish-jsp-javadoc
Size: 788708 bytes
Size change: -2704 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: google-guice-4.0-5.fc25
Old package: google-guice-4.0-4.fc24
Summary: Lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and
RPMs: google-guice google-guice-javadoc guice-assistedinject
guice-bom guice-extensions guice-grapher guice-jmx guice-jndi
guice-multibindings guice-parent guice-persist guice-servlet guice-spring
guice-testlib guice-throwingproviders
Size: 1374694 bytes
Size change: -22996 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: gpodder-3.9.0-2.fc25
Old package: gpodder-3.9.0-1.fc24
Summary: Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python
RPMs: gpodder
Size: 708386 bytes
Size change: -2608 bytes
- Drop pywebkitgtk.
Package: grimmer-proggy-tinysz-fonts-1.0-14.fc25
Old package: grimmer-proggy-tinysz-fonts-1.0-13.fc24
Summary: Proggy Tiny with slashed zero programming font
RPMs: grimmer-proggy-tinysz-fonts
Size: 17618 bytes
Size change: -1004 bytes
- change upstream URL and Source0 (bug #1342029)
Package: hibernate-4.3.5-9.fc25
Old package: hibernate-4.3.5-8.fc25
Summary: Relational persistence and query service
RPMs: hibernate hibernate-c3p0 hibernate-core hibernate-ehcache
hibernate-entitymanager hibernate-envers hibernate-infinispan
hibernate-javadoc hibernate-osgi hibernate-proxool hibernate-testing
Size: 13004002 bytes
Size change: 656 bytes
- Add missing BR on maven-plugin-bundle
Package: httpcomponents-client-4.5.2-3.fc25
Old package: httpcomponents-client-4.5.2-2.fc25
Summary: HTTP agent implementation based on httpcomponents HttpCore
RPMs: httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-client-cache
Size: 1682566 bytes
Size change: 3740 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: httpcomponents-core-4.4.4-3.fc25
Old package: httpcomponents-core-4.4.4-2.fc24
Summary: Set of low level Java HTTP transport components for HTTP
RPMs: httpcomponents-core httpcomponents-core-javadoc
Size: 1489272 bytes
Size change: -1508 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: javacc-maven-plugin-2.6-22.fc25
Old package: javacc-maven-plugin-2.6-21.fc24
Summary: JavaCC Maven Plugin
RPMs: javacc-maven-plugin javacc-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 120756 bytes
Size change: -1872 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: javaewah-0.8.4-7.fc25
Old package: javaewah-0.8.4-6.fc24
Summary: A word-aligned compressed variant of the Java bitset class
RPMs: javaewah javaewah-javadoc
Size: 239924 bytes
Size change: -1688 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: javapackages-tools-4.7.0-3.fc25
Old package: javapackages-tools-4.7.0-2.fc25
Summary: Macros and scripts for Java packaging support
RPMs: gradle-local ivy-local javapackages-local javapackages-tools
javapackages-tools-doc maven-local python3-javapackages
Size: 424266 bytes
Size change: -1272 bytes
- Drop requires on most of parent POMs
Package: jaxen-1.1.6-9.fc25
Old package: jaxen-1.1.6-8.fc24
Summary: An XPath engine written in Java
RPMs: jaxen jaxen-demo jaxen-javadoc
Size: 508814 bytes
Size change: -1436 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Remove old obsoletes/provides
Package: jboss-ejb-3.1-api-1.0.2-15.fc25
Old package: jboss-ejb-3.1-api-1.0.2-14.fc24
Summary: EJB 3.1 API
RPMs: jboss-ejb-3.1-api jboss-ejb-3.1-api-javadoc
Size: 171180 bytes
Size change: -1932 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to current packaging guidelines
Package: jboss-el-2.2-api-1.0.2-5.fc25
Old package: jboss-el-2.2-api-1.0.2-4.fc24
Summary: Expression Language 2.2 API
RPMs: jboss-el-2.2-api jboss-el-2.2-api-javadoc
Size: 140420 bytes
Size change: -1800 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to current packaging guidelines
Package: jboss-interceptors-1.1-api-1.0.2-0.14.20120319git49a904.fc25
Old package: jboss-interceptors-1.1-api-1.0.2-0.13.20120319git49a904.fc24
Summary: Interceptors 1.1 API
RPMs: jboss-interceptors-1.1-api jboss-interceptors-1.1-api-javadoc
Size: 66896 bytes
Size change: -1964 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to current packaging guidelines
Package: jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api-1.0.1-12.fc25
Old package: jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api-1.0.1-11.fc24
Summary: Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) 1.1
RPMs: jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api-javadoc
Size: 144380 bytes
Size change: -1772 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to current packaging guidelines
Package: jboss-servlet-3.0-api-1.0.2-6.fc25
Old package: jboss-servlet-3.0-api-1.0.2-5.fc24
Summary: Java Servlet 3.0 API
RPMs: jboss-servlet-3.0-api jboss-servlet-3.0-api-javadoc
Size: 404040 bytes
Size change: -1372 bytes
- add missing BRs on maven-plugin-bundle, maven-source-plugin
- use BRs mvn()-like
- introduce license macro
Package: jboss-transaction-1.1-api-1.0.1-13.fc25
Old package: jboss-transaction-1.1-api-1.0.1-12.fc24
Summary: Transaction 1.1 API
RPMs: jboss-transaction-1.1-api jboss-transaction-1.1-api-javadoc
Size: 107096 bytes
Size change: -1964 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update to current packaging guidelines
Package: jeromq-0.3.5-5.fc25
Old package: jeromq-0.3.5-4.fc24
Summary: Pure Java implementation of libzmq
RPMs: jeromq jeromq-javadoc
Size: 450584 bytes
Size change: -2844 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: jetty-schemas-3.1-7.fc25
Old package: jetty-schemas-3.1-6.fc25
Summary: XML Schemas for Jetty
RPMs: jetty-schemas
Size: 205358 bytes
Size change: -116 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: jetty-version-maven-plugin-1.0.7-15.fc25
Old package: jetty-version-maven-plugin-1.0.7-14.fc24
Summary: Jetty version management Maven plugin
RPMs: jetty-version-maven-plugin jetty-version-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 117588 bytes
Size change: -2228 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: jline-2.13-5.fc25
Old package: jline-2.13-4.fc25
Summary: JLine is a Java library for handling console input
RPMs: jline jline-javadoc
Size: 280148 bytes
Size change: -192 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: joda-time-2.9.3-2.tzdata2016c.fc25
Old package: joda-time-2.9.3-1.tzdata2016c.fc25
Summary: Java date and time API
RPMs: joda-time joda-time-javadoc
Size: 1045844 bytes
Size change: 1692 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: jsch-0.1.53-5.fc25
Old package: jsch-0.1.53-4.fc24
Summary: Pure Java implementation of SSH2
RPMs: jsch jsch-javadoc
Size: 416720 bytes
Size change: -2452 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: json_simple-1.1.1-13.fc25
Old package: json_simple-1.1.1-12.fc24
Summary: Simple Java toolkit for JSON
RPMs: json_simple json_simple-javadoc
Size: 82264 bytes
Size change: -2440 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: localizer-1.23-4.fc25
Old package: localizer-1.23-3.fc24
Summary: Type-safe localization message access for Java
RPMs: localizer localizer-javadoc localizer-parent
Size: 91048 bytes
Size change: -4316 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: log4j12-1.2.17-13.fc25
Old package: log4j12-1.2.17-12.fc24
Summary: Java logging package
RPMs: log4j12 log4j12-javadoc
Size: 961944 bytes
Size change: -1588 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.15.1-1.fc25
Old package: mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.15.0-1.fc25
Summary: Extra set of icon themes for MATE Desktop
RPMs: mate-icon-theme-faenza
Size: 19726336 bytes
Size change: -3054662 bytes
- update to 1.15.1 release
Package: maven-artifact-resolver-1:1.0-15.fc25
Old package: maven-artifact-resolver-1:1.0-14.fc24
Summary: Maven Artifact Resolution API
RPMs: maven-artifact-resolver maven-artifact-resolver-javadoc
Size: 56904 bytes
Size change: -2604 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Remove old obsoletes/provides
Package: maven-assembly-plugin-2.6-7.fc25
Old package: maven-assembly-plugin-2.6-6.fc24
Summary: Maven Assembly Plugin
RPMs: maven-assembly-plugin maven-assembly-plugin-javadoc
Size: 422232 bytes
Size change: -2276 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-dependency-analyzer-1.6-4.fc25
Old package: maven-dependency-analyzer-1.6-3.fc24
Summary: Maven dependency analyzer
RPMs: maven-dependency-analyzer maven-dependency-analyzer-javadoc
Size: 88720 bytes
Size change: -2160 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Remove old obsoletes/provides
Package: maven-gpg-plugin-1.6-4.fc25
Old package: maven-gpg-plugin-1.6-3.fc24
Summary: Maven GPG Plugin
RPMs: maven-gpg-plugin maven-gpg-plugin-javadoc
Size: 97644 bytes
Size change: -2176 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-injection-plugin-1.0.2-15.fc25
Old package: maven-injection-plugin-1.0.2-14.fc24
Summary: Bytecode injection at Maven build time
RPMs: maven-injection-plugin maven-injection-plugin-javadoc
Size: 49616 bytes
Size change: -2636 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: maven-jsf-plugin-1.3.0-8.fc25
Old package: maven-jsf-plugin-1.3.0-7.fc24
Summary: Maven plugin for generating tlds, jsp tag sources and others
RPMs: maven-jsf-plugin maven-jsf-plugin-javadoc
Size: 93416 bytes
Size change: -2048 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: maven-jxr-2.5-4.fc25
Old package: maven-jxr-2.5-3.fc24
Summary: Source cross referencing tool
RPMs: maven-jxr maven-jxr-javadoc maven-plugin-jxr
Size: 187546 bytes
Size change: -2752 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-plugins-pom-28-3.fc25
Old package: maven-plugins-pom-28-2.fc24
Summary: Maven Plugins POM
RPMs: maven-plugins-pom
Size: 15726 bytes
Size change: -1232 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-release-2.2.1-16.fc25
Old package: maven-release-2.2.1-15.fc24
Summary: Release a project updating the POM and tagging in the SCM
RPMs: maven-release maven-release-javadoc maven-release-manager
Size: 407932 bytes
Size change: -5392 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-scm-1.9.4-5.fc25
Old package: maven-scm-1.9.4-4.fc24
Summary: Common API for doing SCM operations
RPMs: maven-scm maven-scm-javadoc maven-scm-test
Size: 2735978 bytes
Size change: -3176 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven-script-interpreter-1.1-8.fc25
Old package: maven-script-interpreter-1.1-7.fc24
Summary: Maven Script Interpreter
RPMs: maven-script-interpreter maven-script-interpreter-javadoc
Size: 69100 bytes
Size change: -2432 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: maven-shared-22-3.fc25
Old package: maven-shared-22-2.fc24
Summary: Maven Shared Components
RPMs: maven-shared
Size: 19438 bytes
Size change: -1188 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Remove old obsoletes
Package: maven-shared-incremental-1.1-11.fc25
Old package: maven-shared-incremental-1.1-10.fc24
Summary: Maven Incremental Build support utilities
RPMs: maven-shared-incremental maven-shared-incremental-javadoc
Size: 54612 bytes
Size change: -2192 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: maven-stapler-plugin-1.17-5.fc25
Old package: maven-stapler-plugin-1.17-4.fc24
Summary: Maven plugin for Stapler
RPMs: maven-stapler-plugin maven-stapler-plugin-javadoc
Size: 74200 bytes
Size change: -1512 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: maven2-2.2.1-54.fc25
Old package: maven2-2.2.1-53.fc24
Summary: Maven Plugin Description Model
RPMs: maven-artifact maven-artifact-manager maven-model
maven-monitor maven-plugin-descriptor maven-plugin-registry maven-profile
maven-project maven-settings maven-toolchain maven2-javadoc
Size: 1336942 bytes
Size change: -11624 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: mgarepo-1.12.3-1.fc25
Old package: mgarepo-1.11.9-1.fc24
Summary: Tools for Mageia repository access and management
RPMs: mgarepo mgarepo-ldap
Size: 144064 bytes
Size change: 700 bytes
- Update to 1.12.3
Package: mingw-libpng-1.6.23-1.fc25
Old package: mingw-libpng-1.6.21-1.fc24
Summary: MinGW Windows Libpng library
RPMs: mingw32-libpng mingw32-libpng-static mingw64-libpng
Size: 755764 bytes
Size change: 3864 bytes
- Update to 1.6.23
Package: modello-1.8.3-4.fc25
Old package: modello-1.8.3-3.fc24
Summary: Modello Data Model toolkit
RPMs: modello modello-javadoc
Size: 670376 bytes
Size change: -2852 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
- Remove old obsoletes/provides
Package: munge-maven-plugin-1.0-7.fc25
Old package: munge-maven-plugin-1.0-6.fc24
Summary: Munge Maven Plugin
RPMs: munge-maven-plugin munge-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 59328 bytes
Size change: -2052 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: nodejs-gettext-parser-1.2.0-1.fc25
Old package: nodejs-gettext-parser-1.1.2-2.fc24
Summary: Parse and compile gettext po and mo files to/from json
RPMs: nodejs-gettext-parser
Size: 20862 bytes
Size change: -960 bytes
* Wed Jun 15 2016 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 1.2.0-1
- Update to 1.2.0 version
Package: nodejs-klaw-1.3.0-1.fc25
Old package: nodejs-klaw-1.2.0-1.fc25
Summary: File system walker with Readable stream interface
RPMs: nodejs-klaw
Size: 12598 bytes
Size change: 360 bytes
- Update to 1.3.0 upstream release
Package: objectweb-asm-5.1-4.fc25
Old package: objectweb-asm-5.1-3.fc25
Summary: Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework
RPMs: objectweb-asm objectweb-asm-javadoc
Size: 1263492 bytes
Size change: -8 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: okio-1.6.0-2.fc25
Old package: okio-1.6.0-1.fc24
Summary: Java I/O library
RPMs: okio okio-javadoc
Size: 227080 bytes
Size change: -1292 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: os-maven-plugin-1.2.3-6.fc25
Old package: os-maven-plugin-1.2.3-5.fc24
Summary: Maven plugin for generating platform-dependent properties
RPMs: os-maven-plugin os-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 61140 bytes
Size change: -2060 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: pegdown-1.4.2-9.fc25
Old package: pegdown-1.4.2-8.fc24
Summary: Java library for Markdown processing
RPMs: pegdown pegdown-javadoc
Size: 187076 bytes
Size change: -1944 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: perl-Business-CreditCard-0.36-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Business-CreditCard-0.35-2.fc25
Summary: Validate/generate credit card check-sums/names
RPMs: perl-Business-CreditCard
Size: 23638 bytes
Size change: 1272 bytes
- 0.36 bump
Package: perl-CGI-4.31-1.fc25
Old package: perl-CGI-4.28-6.fc25
Summary: Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
RPMs: perl-CGI
Size: 209206 bytes
Size change: 908 bytes
- 4.31 bump
Package: perl-CPAN-Checksums-2.12-1.fc25
Old package: perl-CPAN-Checksums-2.11-2.fc25
Summary: Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
RPMs: perl-CPAN-Checksums
Size: 20150 bytes
Size change: -48 bytes
- 2.12 bump
Package: perl-Check-ISA-0.07-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Check-ISA-0.06-1.fc25
Summary: DWIM, correct checking of an object's class
RPMs: perl-Check-ISA
Size: 17962 bytes
Size change: 472 bytes
- 0.07 bump
Package: perl-Getopt-Long-2.49-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-365.fc25
Summary: Extended processing of command line options
RPMs: perl-Getopt-Long
Size: 62010 bytes
Size change: 68 bytes
- 2.49 bump
Package: perl-Git-PurePerl-0.52-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Git-PurePerl-0.51-6.fc25
Summary: Pure Perl interface to Git repositories
RPMs: perl-Git-PurePerl
Size: 31602 bytes
Size change: 152 bytes
- 1346506 - Rebase to upstream version 0.52.
Package: perl-Git-Repository-1.320-2.fc25
Old package: perl-Git-Repository-1.319-2.fc25
Summary: Perl interface to Git repositories
RPMs: perl-Git-Repository perl-Test-Git
Size: 89672 bytes
Size change: 720 bytes
- 1346508 - Rebase to upstream version 1.320.
Package: perl-Mail-Sender-0.900003-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Mail-Sender-0.8.23-6.fc25
Summary: Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP
RPMs: perl-Mail-Sender
Size: 55538 bytes
Size change: -6472 bytes
- update to 0.900003
Package: perl-Math-BigInt-1.9997.23-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Math-BigInt-1.9997.22-3.fc25
Summary: Arbitrary-size integer and float mathematics
RPMs: perl-Math-BigInt
Size: 188074 bytes
Size change: 3272 bytes
- 1.999723 bump
Package: perl-SNMP-Info-3.33-1.fc25
Old package: perl-SNMP-Info-3.31-2.fc25
Summary: Object Oriented Perl5 Interface to Network devices and MIBs
through SNMP
RPMs: perl-SNMP-Info
Size: 612474 bytes
Size change: 2344 bytes
- 3.33 bump
Package: perl-SOAP-Lite-1.20-1.fc25
Old package: perl-SOAP-Lite-1.19-3.fc25
Summary: Client and server side SOAP implementation
RPMs: perl-SOAP-Lite
Size: 296126 bytes
Size change: -72 bytes
- 1346655 - Rebase to upstream version 1.20.
Package: perl-Test-Strict-0.37-1.fc25
Old package: perl-Test-Strict-0.36-3.fc25
Summary: Check syntax, presence of use strict/warnings, and test
RPMs: perl-Test-Strict
Size: 29382 bytes
Size change: -100 bytes
- 0.37 bump
Package: perl-generators-1.08-4.fc25
Old package: perl-generators-1.08-3.fc25
Summary: RPM Perl dependencies generators
RPMs: perl-generators
Size: 15710 bytes
Size change: 340 bytes
- Run-require perl-macros to provide the Perl macros for building Perl
Package: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-5.4.5-1.fc25
Old package: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-5.4.4-1.fc25
Summary: The PHP Unit Testing framework
RPMs: php-phpunit-PHPUnit
Size: 141330 bytes
Size change: 476 bytes
- Update to 5.4.5
Package: php-phpunit-git-2.1.3-1.fc25
Old package: php-phpunit-git-2.1.2-1.fc25
Summary: Simple wrapper for Git
RPMs: php-phpunit-git
Size: 12318 bytes
Size change: 288 bytes
- update to 2.1.3
Package: pki-console-10.3.2-3.fc25
Old package: pki-console-10.3.2-2.fc25
Summary: Certificate System - PKI Console
RPMs: pki-console
Size: 1208546 bytes
Size change: 364 bytes
Package: plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.6.5-1.fc25
Old package: plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.6.4-1.fc25
Summary: Additional wallpapers for Plasma workspace
RPMs: plasma-workspace-wallpapers
Size: 43799750 bytes
Size change: 76 bytes
- 5.6.5
Package: plexus-active-collections-1.0-0.20.beta2.fc25
Old package: plexus-active-collections-1.0-0.19.beta2.fc24
Summary: Plexus Container-Backed Active Collections
RPMs: plexus-active-collections plexus-active-collections-javadoc
Size: 77488 bytes
Size change: -2024 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: plexus-classworlds-2.5.2-5.fc25
Old package: plexus-classworlds-2.5.2-4.fc24
Summary: Plexus Classworlds Classloader Framework
RPMs: plexus-classworlds plexus-classworlds-javadoc
Size: 146796 bytes
Size change: -2284 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: plexus-component-factories-pom-1.0-0.12.alpha11.fc25
Old package: plexus-component-factories-pom-1.0-0.11.alpha11.fc24
Summary: Plexus Component Factories POM
RPMs: plexus-component-factories-pom
Size: 13706 bytes
Size change: -1248 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: plexus-components-pom-1.3.1-7.fc25
Old package: plexus-components-pom-1.3.1-6.fc24
Summary: Plexus Components POM
RPMs: plexus-components-pom
Size: 14026 bytes
Size change: -840 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: plexus-containers-1.6-6.fc25
Old package: plexus-containers-1.6-5.fc24
Summary: Containers for Plexus
RPMs: plexus-containers plexus-containers-component-annotations
plexus-containers-component-javadoc plexus-containers-component-metadata
plexus-containers-container-default plexus-containers-javadoc
Size: 771204 bytes
Size change: -6216 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: plexus-digest-1.1-21.fc25
Old package: plexus-digest-1.1-20.fc24
Summary: Plexus Digest / Hashcode Components
RPMs: plexus-digest plexus-digest-javadoc
Size: 56164 bytes
Size change: -2052 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: plexus-utils-3.0.24-2.fc25
Old package: plexus-utils-3.0.24-1.fc25
Summary: Plexus Common Utilities
RPMs: plexus-utils plexus-utils-javadoc
Size: 508056 bytes
Size change: -72 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
- Update upstream URL
Package: python-arrow-0.8.0-1.fc25
Old package: python-arrow-0.7.0-3.fc24
Summary: Better dates and times for Python
RPMs: python-arrow python3-arrow
Size: 138712 bytes
Size change: 4432 bytes
- new version
Package: python-betamax-0.7.1-1.fc25
Old package: python-betamax-0.7.0-1.fc25
Summary: A VCR imitation for python-requests
RPMs: python-betamax python3-betamax
Size: 127644 bytes
Size change: 448 bytes
* Wed Jun 15 2016 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 0.7.1-1
- Update to 0.7.1 release
Package: python-flake8-2.5.5-1.fc25
Old package: python-flake8-2.5.4-1.fc24
Summary: Python code checking using pep8 and pyflakes
RPMs: python2-flake8 python3-flake8
Size: 130760 bytes
Size change: -404 bytes
- Update to 2.5.5 (rhbz#1346516)
Package: python-gabbi-1.22.0-1.fc25
Old package: python-gabbi-1.21.0-1.fc25
Summary: Documentation for the gabbi module
RPMs: python-gabbi-doc python2-gabbi python3-gabbi
Size: 602182 bytes
Size change: 5592 bytes
- Upstream 1.22.0
Package: python-kajiki-0.5.5-1.fc25
Old package: python-kajiki-0.5.4-1.fc25
Summary: Really fast well-formed xml templates
RPMs: python-kajiki python3-kajiki
Size: 265056 bytes
Size change: 692 bytes
- new version
- new version
Package: python-pdfminer-20160614-1.fc25
Old package: python-pdfminer-20160202-3.fc25
Summary: PDF parser and analyzer
RPMs: python2-pdfminer python3-pdfminer
Size: 8605536 bytes
Size change: -2508 bytes
- Update to latest upstream version of package.
- Use local version of patch.
Package: python-selenium-2.53.5-1.fc25
Old package: python-selenium-2.53.4-1.fc25
Summary: Python bindings for Selenium
RPMs: python2-selenium python3-selenium
Size: 1298740 bytes
Size change: 200 bytes
- upstream version 2.53.5
Package: python-vcrpy-1.8.0-1.fc25
Old package: python-vcrpy-1.7.4-3.fc24
Summary: Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and
speed up testing
RPMs: python-vcrpy python3-vcrpy
Size: 137168 bytes
Size change: -15416 bytes
- new version
Package: relaxngDatatype-2011.1-4.fc25
Old package: relaxngDatatype-2011.1-3.fc24
Summary: RELAX NG Datatype API
RPMs: relaxngDatatype relaxngDatatype-javadoc
Size: 64944 bytes
Size change: -1660 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: rmic-maven-plugin-1.2.1-13.fc25
Old package: rmic-maven-plugin-1.2.1-12.fc24
Summary: Uses the java rmic compiler to generate classes used in
remote method invocation
RPMs: rmic-maven-plugin rmic-maven-plugin-javadoc
Size: 77140 bytes
Size change: -1544 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: robust-http-client-1.2-8.fc25
Old package: robust-http-client-1.2-7.fc24
Summary: Small Java library that performs HTTP download with
automatic retry
RPMs: robust-http-client robust-http-client-javadoc
Size: 35848 bytes
Size change: -1680 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: rpmlint-1.8-7.fc25
Old package: rpmlint-1.8-6.fc25
Summary: Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
RPMs: rpmlint
Size: 258182 bytes
Size change: 64424 bytes
- ignore explicit-lib-dependency on python subpackages with "lib"
- update license list
Package: shorewall-
Old package: shorewall-
Summary: An iptables front end for firewall configuration
RPMs: shorewall shorewall-core shorewall-init shorewall-lite
shorewall6 shorewall6-lite
Size: 1228344 bytes
Size change: 9448 bytes
- Update to 5.0.9
- Update to
Package: sonar-3.2-8.fc25
Old package: sonar-3.2-7.fc24
Summary: An open platform to manage code quality
RPMs: sonar sonar-batch sonar-batch-bootstrapper
sonar-batch-maven-compat sonar-channel sonar-check-api
sonar-checkstyle-plugin sonar-cobertura-plugin sonar-colorizer
sonar-cpd-plugin sonar-dbcleaner-plugin sonar-deprecated sonar-duplications
sonar-email-notifications-plugin sonar-graph sonar-jacoco-plugin
sonar-java-api sonar-l10n-en-plugin sonar-markdown sonar-maven-plugin
sonar-plugin-api sonar-squid sonar-surefire-plugin sonar-ws-client
Size: 7624968 bytes
Size change: 373576 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: super-csv-2.4.0-3.fc25
Old package: super-csv-2.4.0-3.fc24
Summary: A fast, programmer-friendly, free CSV library for Java
RPMs: super-csv super-csv-dozer super-csv-java8 super-csv-javadoc
super-csv-joda super-csv-parent
Size: 379504 bytes
Size change: -8724 bytes
Package: tesla-polyglot-0.1.14-3.fc25
Old package: tesla-polyglot-0.1.14-2.fc24
Summary: Modules to enable Maven usage in other JVM languages
RPMs: tesla-polyglot tesla-polyglot-atom tesla-polyglot-common
tesla-polyglot-groovy tesla-polyglot-javadoc tesla-polyglot-maven-plugin
tesla-polyglot-translate-plugin tesla-polyglot-yaml
Size: 328008 bytes
Size change: -8268 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: truth-0.23-4.fc25
Old package: truth-0.23-3.fc24
Summary: An assertion framework for Java unit tests
RPMs: truth truth-javadoc
Size: 179268 bytes
Size change: -2072 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: tycho-0.25.0-4.fc25
Old package: tycho-0.25.0-3.fc25
Summary: Plugins and extensions for building Eclipse plugins and OSGI
bundles with Maven
RPMs: tycho tycho-javadoc
Size: 3744640 bytes
Size change: -3688 bytes
- Add missing requires on maven-source-plugin
Package: tycho-extras-0.25.0-3.fc25
Old package: tycho-extras-0.25.0-2.fc25
Summary: Additional plugins for Tycho
RPMs: tycho-extras tycho-extras-javadoc
Size: 244456 bytes
Size change: -136 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: weld-parent-34-2.fc25
Old package: weld-parent-34-1.fc25
Summary: Parent POM for Weld
RPMs: weld-parent
Size: 14542 bytes
Size change: -88 bytes
- Add missing BRs on maven-source-plugin, buildnumber-maven-plugin
Package: ws-commons-util-1.0.2-3.fc25
Old package: ws-commons-util-1.0.2-2.fc24
Summary: Common utilities from the Apache Web Services Project
RPMs: ws-commons-util ws-commons-util-javadoc
Size: 107844 bytes
Size change: -1688 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Package: xmvn-2.5.0-8.fc25
Old package: xmvn-2.5.0-7.fc25
Summary: Local Extensions for Apache Maven
RPMs: xmvn xmvn-api xmvn-bisect xmvn-connector-aether
xmvn-connector-gradle xmvn-connector-ivy xmvn-core xmvn-install
xmvn-javadoc xmvn-launcher xmvn-mojo xmvn-parent-pom xmvn-resolve
xmvn-subst xmvn-tools-pom
Size: 635246 bytes
Size change: 1020 bytes
- Add missing build-requires
Package: xstream-1.4.9-2.fc25
Old package: xstream-1.4.9-1.fc25
Summary: Java XML serialization library
RPMs: xstream xstream-benchmark xstream-hibernate xstream-javadoc
Size: 1393286 bytes
Size change: 364 bytes
- Regenerate build-requires
Broken deps for aarch64
ghc-Agda- requires
ghc-Agda- requires
1:NetworkManager-sstp-0.9.10-6.fc25.aarch64 requires
1:NetworkManager-sstp-0.9.10-6.fc25.aarch64 requires sstp-client
1:NetworkManager-sstp-gnome-0.9.10-6.fc25.aarch64 requires
NetworkManager-sstp = 0:0.9.10-6.fc25
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(OpenTK) = 0:
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(OpenTK.GLControl) =
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(System) = 0:
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(System.Core) =
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(System.Drawing) =
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires
mono(System.Windows.Forms) = 0:
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(System.Xml) =
RepetierHost-0.90D-7.fc25.noarch requires mono(mscorlib) =
accumulo-core-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-examples-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-gc-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-master-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-server-base-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-tracer-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
accumulo-tserver-1.6.4-5.fc24.noarch requires
almanah-0.11.1-8.fc24.aarch64 requires libicui18n.so.56()(64bit)
almanah-0.11.1-8.fc24.aarch64 requires libicuuc.so.56()(64bit)
amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.noarch requires
amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.noarch requires
amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.noarch requires
avro-mapred-1.7.5-13.fc24.noarch requires hadoop-client
avro-mapred-1.7.5-13.fc24.noarch requires hadoop-mapreduce
bluetile-core-0.6-31.fc25.aarch64 requires
bluetile-core-0.6-31.fc25.aarch64 requires
bluetile-core-0.6-31.fc25.aarch64 requires
bluetile-core-0.6-31.fc25.aarch64 requires
bochs-2.6.2-10.fc24.aarch64 requires bochs-bios = 0:2.6.2-10.fc24
commissaire-0.0.1-0.3.rc3.fc25.noarch requires ansible < 0:
dynafed-1.2.1-3.fc25.aarch64 requires
dynafed-dmlite-plugin-1.2.1-3.fc25.aarch64 requires
dynafed-http-plugin-1.2.1-3.fc25.aarch64 requires
dynafed-lfc-plugin-1.2.1-3.fc25.aarch64 requires
dynafed-private-devel-1.2.1-3.fc25.aarch64 requires
eclipse-ptp-9.0.2-0.2.git88a46f8.fc25.aarch64 requires
fcitx-qt5-1.0.5-4.fc25.aarch64 requires qt5-qtbase(aarch-64) =
fence-agents-cisco-ucs-4.0.20-2.fc24.aarch64 requires pycurl
fence-agents-docker-4.0.20-2.fc24.aarch64 requires pycurl
floppy-support-1.0.0-11.fc24.noarch requires kmod(floppy.ko)
libtsan-6.1.1-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
ghc-boxes-0.1.4-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-boxes-0.1.4-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-boxes-devel-0.1.4-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll- requires
ghc-hakyll-devel- requires
ghc-hakyll-devel- requires
ghc-hakyll-devel- requires
ghc-hakyll-devel- requires
ghc-lambdabot-utils-4.2.2-11.fc25.aarch64 requires
ghc-lambdabot-utils-4.2.2-11.fc25.aarch64 requires
ghc-lambdabot-utils-devel-4.2.2-11.fc25.aarch64 requires
glom-1.30.4-1.fc25.aarch64 requires libgettextpo.so.1()(64bit)
glom-libs-1.30.4-1.fc25.aarch64 requires libgettextpo.so.1()(64bit)
glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-7.fc24.noarch requires
glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-7.fc24.noarch requires
requires golang(github.com/google/cadvisor/client)
requires golang(github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1)
requires zfs-fuse
requires golang(gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1)
requires golang(github.com/docker/docker/pkg/timeutils)
ghc-haskell-platform-devel-2014. requires
ghc-split-devel = 0:0.2.2
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-common
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-mapreduce
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires
ghc-hlint-1.9.10-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-hlint-1.9.10-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-hlint-devel-1.9.10-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
hlint-1.9.10-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
hlint-1.9.10-3.fc24.aarch64 requires
idris- requires
idris- requires libHSsplit-0.2.2-ghc7.8.4.so
libflatarray-devel-0.1.1-4.fc22.aarch64 requires
libflatarray-devel-0.1.1-4.fc22.aarch64 requires
libflatarray-devel-0.1.1-4.fc22.aarch64 requires
liveusb-creator-3.93.2-1.fc25.noarch requires syslinux
lorax-lmc-virt-25.8-1.fc25.aarch64 requires edk2-ovmf
luajit-fun-0.1.3-2.fc24.noarch requires luajit >= 0:2.0
mapnik-demo-3.0.10-4.fc25.aarch64 requires python-mapnik
mesos-0.22.0-SNAPSHOT.1.c513126.fc22.1.aarch64 requires
python-mesos-0.22.0-SNAPSHOT.1.c513126.fc22.1.aarch64 requires
mingw32-wine-gecko-2.47-0.1.fc25.noarch requires wine-common
mingw64-wine-gecko-2.47-0.1.fc25.noarch requires wine-common
nf3d-0.8-5.fc24.noarch requires python-visual
nodejs-libxmljs-0.17.1-4.fc25.aarch64 requires nodejs(abi5) >=
nodejs-libxmljs-0.17.1-4.fc25.aarch64 requires nodejs(v8-abi) =
nodejs-mapnik-3.5.12-1.fc25.aarch64 requires nodejs(abi5) >= 0:5.10
nodejs-mapnik-3.5.12-1.fc25.aarch64 requires nodejs(v8-abi) = 0:4.6
ntop-5.0.1-7.fc24.aarch64 requires librrd_th.so.4()(64bit)
ocp-0.1.22-0.9.git849cc42.fc24.aarch64 requires
olpc-netutils-0.8.2-7.fc24.noarch requires olpc-utils >= 0:1.3.1
openlmi-storage-0.8.1-3.fc24.noarch requires python-blivet
opensips-aaa_radius-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
opensips-perl-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
opensips-perl-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
opensips-perlvdb-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
opensips-perlvdb-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
opensips-snmpstats-1.10.5-8.fc24.aarch64 requires
orthorobot-1.1-3.fc25.noarch requires love
osmium-tool-1.3.0-2.fc24.aarch64 requires
ghc-pandoc-citeproc-0.9-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
pandoc-citeproc-0.9-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
parrot-6.10.0-2.fc22.aarch64 requires libicudata.so.54()(64bit)
parrot-6.10.0-2.fc22.aarch64 requires libicuuc.so.54()(64bit)
parrot-devel-6.10.0-2.fc22.aarch64 requires
parrot-devel-6.10.0-2.fc22.aarch64 requires libicuuc.so.54()(64bit)
perl-PCP-LogImport-3.11.2-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
perl-PCP-MMV-3.11.2-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
perl-PCP-PMDA-3.11.2-2.fc25.aarch64 requires
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires hyena
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(Mono.Cairo) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(Mono.Posix) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(System) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(System.Core) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(System.Drawing) =
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(System.Xml) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(atk-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(gconf-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(gdk-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(glib-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(gtk-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(mscorlib) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono(pango-sharp) = 0:
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires mono-core
pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23.noarch requires poppler-sharp
perl-Algorithm-Permute-0.12-21.fc24.aarch64 requires
perl-Algorithm-Permute-0.12-21.fc24.aarch64 requires
Peter Robinson
2016-06-16 08:34:12 UTC
Post by Caius Chance
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