[fedora-arm] Trying to upgrade to Fedora 26, but had power issues
Rafael Leiva-Ochoa
2018-03-29 05:46:29 UTC
I am getting errors on my Rasberry PI 3 after upgrading from Fedora 25 to
26. When I issue the DNF command, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/dnf", line 57, in <module>
from dnf.cli import main

I followed the following instruction:


But, my Pi had some power issues, and the upgrade got interrupted. Is there
any way to recover from this without losing my data?


Peter Robinson
2018-03-29 06:37:46 UTC
Post by Rafael Leiva-Ochoa
I am getting errors on my Rasberry PI 3 after upgrading from Fedora 25 to
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/dnf", line 57, in
<module> from dnf.cli import main
But, my Pi had some power issues, and the upgrade got interrupted. Is
there any way to recover from this without losing my data?
Your data should all still be there, but diagnosing what the status of the
OS is with the tiny snippet of information above is near on impossible....
but here goes...

I suspect you'll have lost power in the process of updating some dependent
bit of dnf, hence the error above, you're statement of 'after upgrading' is
mostly wrong, 'in the process of upgrading' I suspect is more accurate.

I presume the system boots to login with the above errors, is it minimal,
server or something else?

First up check if rpm still works, if you get a list of rpms from a 'rpm
-qa' you might be alright as you should be able to then (re)install the dnf
bits and proceed to do a bunch of cleanup. Be warned, it's not for the
faint of heart.

The other option would be, assuming the system has booted, to backup your
data and start with a new install, with Fedora 28 beta almost done I would
go with that so you have one less upgrade to do later ;-)

Reply with more answers to the above and I can likely give to you phase 2
Rafael Leiva-Ochoa
2018-03-29 06:45:23 UTC
Thanks Peter, my system is able to boot and I can login. I will backup my
data and start the process of installing Fedora 28. Thx for the help!
Post by Peter Robinson
Post by Rafael Leiva-Ochoa
I am getting errors on my Rasberry PI 3 after upgrading from Fedora 25 to
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/dnf", line 57, in
<module> from dnf.cli import main
But, my Pi had some power issues, and the upgrade got interrupted. Is
there any way to recover from this without losing my data?
Your data should all still be there, but diagnosing what the status of the
OS is with the tiny snippet of information above is near on impossible....
but here goes...
I suspect you'll have lost power in the process of updating some dependent
bit of dnf, hence the error above, you're statement of 'after upgrading' is
mostly wrong, 'in the process of upgrading' I suspect is more accurate.
I presume the system boots to login with the above errors, is it minimal,
server or something else?
First up check if rpm still works, if you get a list of rpms from a 'rpm
-qa' you might be alright as you should be able to then (re)install the dnf
bits and proceed to do a bunch of cleanup. Be warned, it's not for the
faint of heart.
The other option would be, assuming the system has booted, to backup your
data and start with a new install, with Fedora 28 beta almost done I would
go with that so you have one less upgrade to do later ;-)
Reply with more answers to the above and I can likely give to you phase 2